Obsidian Shard (Dirrich's Journal)

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Introduced:  Lost in the New Horizon Related Quests:  Shackles of Obedience Quest
Obsidian Shard
  • Value: 0
  • Burden: 20
  • A chunk of polished volcanic rock. As you look at it, you can see what seems to be movement just under the surface. You feel a strange pressure in the back of your mind, but it slowly recedes. (Bring it to Diyas in Zaikhal)

Notes Edit

You give Diyas al-Yat Obsidian Shard.

Diyas al-Yat tells you, "This really provides some insight into the inner workings of the impure Virindi. It is such a pity to see broken dolls where there was once such purity. Pity."

Diyas al-Yat gives you Dirrich's Journal.