Shopkeeper Polly

Revision as of 00:25, 2 February 2016 by (talk)
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Introduced:  Ancient Powers
Shopkeeper Polly
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Sho
Title Society Shopkeep
Location Inside the Celestial Hand Stronghold.
Level 190
Strength 45
Endurance 50
Coordination 55
Quickness 60
Focus 40
Self 35
Health 135
Stamina 140
Mana 155

Notes Edit

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Armor Edit

Books, Paper Edit

Containers Edit

Gems Edit

Keys, Tools Edit

Miscellaneous Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Weapons Edit

Alchemical Items Edit

Cooking Items Edit

Fletching Items Edit

Dialog Edit


Shopkeeper Polly tells you, "Welcome!"

Buying From

Shopkeeper Polly tells you, "I think you'll be pleased with that!"

Selling To

Shopkeeper Polly tells you, "I've been looking for one of these!"


Shopkeeper Polly tells you, "Good day to you!"