Ultimate Singularity Staff

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From the Singularity Weapons Quest

Ultimate Singularity Staff
Ultimate Singularity Staff
A staff imbued with Singularity energy.
Value 0
Burden 450
Restrictions Base Staff 325+
Special Properties Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Destroyed on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike
Damage 14.3 - 26 (25.3 - 46), Bludgeoning
Speed 30
Bonus to
Attack Skill
+8% (+23%)
Bonus to
Melee Defense
Spells Blood Drinker VI, Minor Strength, Heart Seeker VI, Strength Other VI
Activations Arcane Lore: 200
Spellcraft 200
Mana 1000, 1/30 sec
Notes ??