Introduced: | Gaining Ground | Related Quests: | Singularity Weapons Quest, Weapon Upgrade Kit | Updated: | Master of Arms |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 135
- Skill: Finesse Weapons (Unarmed)
- Damage: 18 - 40 , Slash/Pierce
- Speed: Fast (20)
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +15% (32%)
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +15%
- Spells: Major Strength, Might of the 5 Mules, Infected Caress, Elysa's Sight
- Properties: Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable
- Wield requires base Finesse Weapons 400
- Activation requires 200
- Spellcraft: 200.
- Mana: 1000.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
- A Katar imbued with Singularity energy.
Notes Edit
- Obtained by adding a Weapon Upgrade Kit to an Ultimate Singularity Katar.
- During the Master of Arms event, the skill was changed from Unarmed to Finesse Weapons and the base damage upped from 11.7 - 26 to 18 - 40