Guardian Statue Kill Task

Revision as of 18:48, 30 December 2014 by (talk)
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Guardian Statue Kill Task
Level: ??
Rec. Level: 200+
Type: Solo
Starts With: Shade of Fordroth
Starts At: Mhoire Castle Northeast Tower
Repeat: 20 Hours

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Kill 10 Guardian Statues found in Mhoire Castle and Mhoire Castle Great Hall.
  2. Return to the Shade of Fordroth and speak to him for your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Mhoire Castle Northeast Tower 64.7S 45.2W 8C03.png --
Mhoire Castle Great Hall From Mhoire Castle Northeast Tower 8C03.png --

Rewards Edit

Experience: 25,000,000 (??% up to level ??)
Luminance: 5,000

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Shade of Fordroth tells you, "In life I was a knight of House Mhoire."

Shade of Fordroth tells you, "In ancient days, House Mhoire fashioned gargoyles, which is our heraldry, as guardians using craftsmanship and magic."

Shade of Fordroth tells you, "The corruption used to destroy this place also corrupted their magic. This cannot be allowed to continue."

Shade of Fordroth tells you, "Destroy 10 of these corrupted gargoyles to ease the pain of those that wander these halls and I will reward you."
Completing Kill Task

Shade of Fordroth tells you, "In life I was a knight of House Mhoire."

Shade of Fordroth tells you, "Well done, champion. You must be skilled indeed. Allow me to reward you."

You've earned 25,000,000 experience.

Shade of Fordroth gives you Ancient Mhoire Coin.

Update History Edit

Gaining Ground

  • Kill task introduced.

Depths of the Dead

  • Luminance reward added.