Phyntos Honey Collector

Revision as of 09:04, 21 May 2015 by (talk) (→‎Dialog)
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Phyntos Honey Collector
Level: 180
Society Rank: Knight
Type: Solo
Starts With: Narris (CH)
Zahid al-Din (EW)
Kenji (RB)
Starts At: Faction Stronghold (east wing)
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Phyntos Honey

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Speak to the Society Collector in your Faction Stronghold.
  2. Travel to the Freebooter Phyntos Wasp Hive or the area outside the entrance at 63.1S 97.5E. Kill Killer Phyntos Drones, Killer Phyntos Swarms, and Killer Phyntos Soldiers which randomly drop Phyntos Honey.
  3. Once you've collected 10 return to the faction NPC to receive your rewards.
    • Tip: You can pick up more than 10 at a time.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Freebooter Phyntos Wasp Hive 63.1S 97.5E F930.png --

Rewards Edit

Complete task for the Celestial Hand
Experience: 25,000,000 (Fixed)
Luminance: ??
Complete task for the Eldrytch Web
Experience: 25,000,000 (Fixed)
Luminance: ??
Complete task for the Radiant Blood
Experience: 25,000,000 (Fixed)
Luminance: ??

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Narris tells you, "I've been assigned to collect anything about the new breed of Phyntos on Freebooter."

Narris tells you, "Bring me anything phyntos related you find. I'll determine what we can use."
Rewards Dialog

You allow Narris to examine your Phyntos Honey.

Narris tells you, "We believe that some types of "Phyntos Wasps" may have been miscatagorized, these clearly create honey."

Narris tells you, "We're studying their honey to see if it will reveal anything about their aggressive nature."

You hand over 10 of your Phyntos Honey.

Narris gives you 15 Celestial Hand Commendation Ribbons.

Narris gives you 4 Celestial Hand Trade Tokens.

You've earned 25,000,000 experience.

You've earned ??,??? luminance.

Update History Edit

Gaining Ground

  • Quest introduced.

Dreams of Torment

  • Luminance reward added.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 2 days 20 hours to 20 hours.