January 2010 - Patch Page
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Release Notes
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January 2010 Release Notes
Greetings and welcome to the January 2010 Release Notes! This is our first update for the New Year and we have some exciting things planned for this year. New players are getting some much needed love this month, and we feel this will make those early levels much more user friendly. This among other things will make this month a great way to start off the New Year. So let’s see what is new and exciting this month in Asheron’s Call!
New Player Hub
The Asheron’s Call team is always trying to improve the overall experience that players have when in Dereth. Over the years there have been many changes that have affected how new players experience the game. Due to the increasing average level range of players, more stress has been placed on having a smooth process for advancing new characters. Where it was once accepted practice to float around Dereth as a drifter for weeks finding new quests with other players in your level range, now players must first ascend to a higher level to meet the average player. Due to this we’ve decided to introduce a more guided New Player Experience that introduces players to the land and stories of Dereth using pre-existing quests. This update also introduces significant additional rewards for running these quests.
Upon exiting a starter dungeon or interacting with an Exploration Society greeter the player will receive an orb. This orb has hints of a greater cause but requires the player to advance to level 10 before they’ll be able to equip it and see where it leads them. Upon reaching the 10th level a player will be able to use the orb’s innate spell on themselves to find what lies ahead.
Coming out of portal space the player is introduced to a group of adventurers who have banded together with the cause of assisting new adventurers in attaining the experience they need to defend Dereth from the greater dangers it faces. The Facility Steward will explain to players the functions of this Portal Hub. Portal Wardens stand vigilant watch waiting for new players to tell them of adventures and ask of them proof of their deeds. Each Portal Warden watches over a portal that leads to near a specific quest and asks proof of that quests completion in exchange for bits of practical knowledge (also known as experience).
The Hub is separated into seven different areas. Each Hub is intended to increase the player 5 levels across the span of three quests. The Hub also provides access to other non-associated quests that are worth running, namely Pincer and Tusk quests from level 1 to 40, as well as a portal to Dryreach with directions to the Tumerok Camp sites. At any time a player may use their orb to return to the Hub.
Portal Wardens are only interested in seeing items you have found on your adventures in exchange for rewards, they allow you to keep anything you show them. A player who completes all the quests in the hub and shows each warden proof of their deeds will find themselves nearing the level 50 mark.
We feel this is a tremendous step in the right direction not only for our existing players, but also for any new players coming into Asheron’s Call.
Miscellaneous Changes
Game Quest Timers have been standardized. The longest quest timer is now 27 days.
We have fixed an issue with the Gift Box Quest.
The Niffis on Freebooter Isle has been rebalanced to be a bit more difficult based on the matching the quality of loot it drops.
Poison Health has been removed from Sclavus due to some warriors feeling they are too squishy to handle this.
Ries Woron now offers a yes/no dialog if the quest has been running for more than 5 minutes.
Ries Woron will trade a piece of Thug armor for the same piece, to allow people to get rid of their pieces that they have used Ivory on.
Cleaving should now always hit the target that the player has selected instead of everything but.
Aqua Vitae has had its stack size increased to 1500.
Several bugs/issues with Mhoire Castle have been fixed or adjusted based on player feedback.
New command shortcuts for the slow typers among us.
- /all = /allegiance
- /cor = /corpse
- /hou = /house
- /lif = /lifestone
- /mar = /marketplace
- /pka = /pkarena
- /pkl = /pklite
- /pla = /pklarena
- /hor = /house recall
- /hom = /house mansion_recall
- /hoa = /house alleg_recall
- /alh = /allegiance hometown
- /allegiance commands - br = broadcast ch=chat ho=hometown
- /house commands - re=recall ma=mansion_recall
This month we have also gone through several quests to give them an XP overhaul. We have also changed how the XP will share Pincer and Jaw turn-in quests. As of the January update 1/3 of the xp from these quests will be given as shareable XP, the rest will be given out as no share.
For example if you turn in a Pincer that gives 21 million XP, 7 million of that would be shared. Your character would then see the message:
- You've earned 7,000,000 experience.
- You've earned 14,000,000 experience.
Here is a list of the updated quests and the XP they now give out.
- Banderling Shrine - 8million
- Crafting Forges - 100% PXP capped at 10/20/30 million depending on the dungeon you run
- Enrico's Betrayal - 100% PXP (spread across 3 turn ins so 33% 33% 34%) cap 15 million
- Mukkir Orb - 100% cap 10 million, 50% cap 15 million, 33% cap 23 million, 33% cap 33 million
- Snow Lillies - 100% cap 20 million
- Balor's Rescue - 10million note 20 million fur
- Darling's Collar - lvl restriction lowered to 100. 17 million
- Crypt of Adhorix - 23 million
- Renegade Mace - 100% cap 29 million
- Blood Gem - 100% cap 15 million
- Pincers - Lowered to 1 week timer. 100% cap 500k/750k/850k - flat 1 million/2.5 million/5million/8 million/11 million
- Tursh Totem - 100% cap 11 million/23 million/ flat 30 million/45 million
- Refulgent Bracelet - 50% cap 4 million bracelet (non wearable version), 25% cap 2 million for each note
- Olthoi Chasm – 3 million/10/15/20/25
- Sword Bellenesse - 100% cap 40 million for handing in the attuned sword
- Suzuhara's Care Package - 2.5 million each step (5million total)
- Dark Spiral - Log Book 100% cap 13 million, Lore Book 100% cap 57 million
- Necklace of Elemental Adepts - 45 million note turn in
- Tusker Tusk - shortened to 1 week 100% pxp 100k/200/350/500/750/850/1 million/2.5 million - flat 3.5 million/5/6.5/8/11/20
- The Moars - 100% 500k/1 million/4 million flat 8 million/15 million
- Yanshi Shield – 30 million, extra 15 million first run
- Tethana Tug of War - 5.3 million
- Gaerlan's Citadel - Sword turn in @ level 40 -100% cap 3 million, @ level 80 60% cap 20 million @ level 80 22 million
- Littlest Niffis - 100% cap 20 million
- Gareth Dain - 100% PxP cap 18 million on translation
- Decrepit Tower - 33%(34%) cap 2.5 million each tassel turn in (100% cap 7.5million)
- Heart of Innocence - 100% cap 30 million
- Temple of Stirring Shadow – 10 million mace 5 million book
- Head of Baron Entemarre - 15 million
- Tanada Storm - 15 million
- Tanada Earth - 15 million
- Whispering Blade/Rossu Morta boots - 25 million
- Eater Jaws - shortened to 1 week. An extra eater jaw was added to the high level eater so it now drops 2 different jaws. The original jaw is still turned in for an augmentation gem on the 3 week timer; the new jaw is turned in for xp. 100% cap 2.5 million/ flat 8 million/15 million/35 million/40 million
- Frore - Token from end chest turn in at Mairisa bint Fuda - 100% Cap at 18 million
- Oswald's Dirk - Token from end chest turn in at Aaminah - 100% Cap at 18 million
- Overlord's Sword - Token from end chest turn in at Lieutenant Rothe - 100% cap at 18 million
- Orphanage - Token from end chest turn in at Arcanum for - 30 million
- Collegium Occultus Ring - XP for shard turn in - 45 million
Society Tasks: DI = Dark Isle; GY = Graveyard; FB = Freebooter; MC = Moarsman City
- DI Delivery to the Deep - 10 million
- DI Ruschk Boss - 15 million
- DI Black Coral - 10 million
- DI Reports - 15 million
- DI Scout - 10 million
- GY Boss Kill - 15 million
- GY Jaws - 15 million
- GY Wight Mage kill task - 15 million
- GY Cave tracing - 15 million
- GY Supply Delivery - 10 million
- FB Bandit Boss - 40 million
- FB Jungle Flower - 15 million
- FB Jungle Lily - 20 million
- FB Moar Gland - 20 million
- FB Moarsmen kill task - 20 million
- MC Coral Towers - 20 million
- MC Moarsmen kill tasks - 20 million each
- MC Spawn Pools - 20 million
- MC High Priest - 40 million
- MC Artifacts - 15 million
Developer Comments
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