Olthoi Queen (Royal Hive)

Revision as of 14:13, 4 May 2015 by (talk)
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See Olthoi Queen for other versions.

Introduced:  Dark Majesty Related Quests:  Olthoi Queen Quest
Olthoi Queen
Class Olthoi
Level 200
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Attacks Acid, Pierce
Weaknesses Bludgeon, Pierce
Strength 1000
Endurance 1000
Coordination 600
Quickness 600
Focus 1000
Self 1000
Health 15000
Stamina 4000
Mana 1010
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


Notes Edit

  • Found at the bottom of the Royal Hive, only appears once after all five Menhir Rings have been destroyed on the Marescent Plateau by giving Bells to the Tumerok NPCs.
  • Spawns after killing the Olthoi Queen (Egg Bearing) immobile version.
  • She was orginally hollow, still hollow?
  • When killed, stops the olthoi swarms for Tesserae, however any currently spawned creatures will remain until killed or the landblock unloads.
  • IMPORTANT! Only the person that got the kill should loot her head, anyone else will not be able to get reward from it and will be unable to give it to the rightful person.
  • One of the few quest globals:

In the darkest depths of Marescent Plateau on far Marae Lassel, the party of the bold <Player> has slain the young queen of the island's Olthoi brood! As one, the Olthoi swarms recoil from her final burst of terror, and slowly begin to withdraw back into their hives.
Olthoi Queen's death is preceded by a sharp, stabbing pain!