Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer

Revision as of 14:56, 17 April 2015 by (talk) (→‎Lore & Dialog)
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Introduced:  Release Updated:  Disturbance in the Desert
Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Gharu'ndim
Title Bowyer
Location 25.3S, 28.3E in Uziz
19.3S, 18.2E Virindi Edifice
Level 8
Strength 80
Endurance 70
Coordination 70
Quickness 80
Focus 50
Self 35
Health 105
Stamina 160
Mana 65

Notes Edit

Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer as a captured NPC in the Virindi Edifice Dungeon

Currency Edit

Inventory Edit

Gems Edit

Weapons Edit

Fletching Items Edit

Trade Notes Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer tells you, "Your presence is a welcome sight."

Buying From

Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer tells you, "We will both benefit from this transaction."

Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer tells you, "I am happy with your purchase."

Selling To

Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer tells you, "I am pleased with this exchange."


Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer tells you, "I am hopeful you will return here."


Yahr ibn Ajaj the Bowyer tells you, "Hello. Welcome to my shop."