February 2010 - Patch Page
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Rollout Article
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Release Notes
Original Link - http://ac.turbine.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=537-february-2010-release-notes&catid=81-2010&Itemid=68
February 2010 Release Notes
Greetings and welcome to the February Release Notes! This month marks the second update of 2010. This year is shaping up to be another great one, and the team has lots of surprises in store for everyone in the coming months. So lets see what is new and exciting this month in Asheron’s Call!
- Based on player feedback, we have added more command shortcuts this month. These new commands are:
- /ah – allegiance hometown
- /ls - lifestone
- /mp - marketplace
- /hr – house recall
- Trade notes now stack to 250 and no longer have a burden.
- Mana Forge Key Rings can now be crafted.
- The Missing level 8 spells should now be craftable. Defender, Blood Drinker, Spirit Drinker, will have level 7 power but level 8 durations. Spirit Loather will be a normal level 8 spell.
- The Pine Tree Texture has been redone. Make sure you check it out.
- Enhanced Arm/Heart/Mind can now be dyed.
- Master Viamontian robes no longer say dyeable.
- The top two Eater Jaw turn-ins, now share 1/3rd of the xp.
- Stonefists/Killagurg/Azaxis have had some adjustments made to how they work. This change should reduce the chance of these rooms having issues.
- Several typos in the New Player Hub have been fixed.
- The Societies of Dereth have found a way to help their members become more effective in battle. Players who have achieved Master rank will now be able to gain a new blank Augmentation Gem every three weeks through their chosen Society.
- The Gear Knight Storage Box has had its respawn timer shortened.
Letter to the Players
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Developer Comments
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