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Lay of the Land

Admiring his clothing in the mirror, he dismissed the tailor with a simple flick of his wrist before beckoning his steward to come closer.

“How are the preparations moving along?”

“They are going well; in fact, other races of Dereth have joined in preparing the wedding. Also, Isparians from all over Dereth are traveling to Yanshi just to lend a hand. It is bound to be a wonderful ceremony.” replied the steward.

“And my bride to be, how is she doing?”

“She is also doing well, and is most pleased with the lotus flowers you had added to the fountains. They are her favorites and remind her of her childhood” remarked the steward.

“Excellent.” He stood staring off out of the window for a moment before speaking again. ”Have there been any more rumors of a plot to ruin the peace and joy this occasion could bring?”

The steward paused for a moment, considering his words carefully. “There have been a few whispers, but it is nothing I would worry about. We have yet to confirm any of them or to even hear of who would be behind such a thing.”

Running his hand along the expensive threads of the wedding attire, his mind was clearly troubled. This wedding was supposed to mark a turning point in this troubled world. A world forever wracked with war and conflict. He wanted nothing more than to bring peace and understanding, but feared that it could not be possible in such a land.

No sooner had rumors of the wedding began to circulate, than rumors of a plot to destroy the couple had also surfaced. In Dereth it seemed no positive could ever be mentioned without the immediate rise of a negative to counter it.

These rumors would not stop the wedding, however. He was determined to go forth and bring happiness to the people of these lands, all people and all races who wished to be a part of such peace. If the rumors grew then he was ready to face the issue head on. He accepted that sometimes peace could only be achieved through violence itself.

“In the coming months we will need to keep a close eye on those around us, good sir. I will need you to be my eyes and ears among the people, and to inform me of any further details on this matter immediately. Do you understand?”

The steward bowed slightly “Of course my lordship. I shall always be your humble servant, and I shall not let you down.”

With another flick of his wrist he dismissed the steward from his room and the tailor returned to make the final changes on his suit. The prince stared into the mirror, a deep look upon his face. Perhaps this wouldn’t be the Golden Age everyone thought it would be. Maybe in fact this wedding would bring a much darker time to Dereth than anyone could have imagined. The only question left is will he prove strong if those dark days descend on to the lands, will he be able to lead his people through to the light on the other side?

Release Notes

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March Release Notes

Greetings and welcome to the Release Notes for the March Event, Lay of the Land. As we get closer to Spring, preparations are beginning for a monumental and joyous event in the history of Dereth. With the feel of Spring in the air, let’s see what else is happening in Dereth this month!

Updated Content and Functionality

  • The level 8 spells added last month should now show up in the level 8 tab.
  • They now use Mana Scarabs and have a spell power of 350.
  • Several typos have been fixed.
  • The snow has finally melted as we approach Spring.
  • The Colosseum blunt arrowheads now work the same way as the Olthoi vendor arrowheads.
  • The Colosseum chest has had its loot upgraded.
  • The Monthly Kill Task has been updated.
  • Make sure you speak to Cara the Apprentice in Xarabydun.
  • Peerless Atlan Two Handed Spear of Black Fire now casts two handed mastery instead of spear mastery.
  • Ultimate Singularity Greatsword has had its damage increased.
  • Four new NPC’s have appeared near Yanshi in preparation for a great occasion. Make sure you stop by and help them with their tasks.
  • The Gold Gear Primus Atamarr is now active and has some tasks for the people of Dereth to complete.

So there are just some of the things we have in store for Asheron's Call in March. Please remember that along with everything listed here, there are several new quests and exciting things going into the game for the March event.

Developer Comments

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