--Tlosk 06:20, 29 February 2008 (CST)
This is probably one of those arbitrary decisions which means there's probably not a completely compelling reason to do it either way but it would probably be a good idea to come to a consensus on whether the default for a category should be singular or plural. There's probably going to be some that will always sound better one way over the other, like "Patch" vs "Patches" and "Town" vs "Towns" but to avoid overlapping categories as much as possible it might be helpful to have a default. So that unless there's a reason to do otherwise, when making a new category (or cleaning up old ones where both variants exist) to have a default. My own vote would probably be to go singular. I won't change any existing categories until we reach a consensus and then we can add a line to the Help page on categories for new posters. Or maybe it's just too arbitrary to even have a default.