Empyrean Facility Lower Level

Revision as of 01:03, 8 December 2014 by (talk) (template clean up)
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Empyrean Facility Lower Level
Quests Aetheria Quest
Restrictions Level: 225
Quest Flagged
Tieable: Yes
Recallable: Yes
Summonable: Yes
Coordinates 46.2S, 71.8W
near Ayan Baqur
Nearest LS 48.0S 65.1W
Route Take the Obsidian Rim portal at the drop on Singularity Caul (also past the Aerlinthe drop portal).
Map Files: Wiki Map
Show location on Dereth map

Map Dereth Point


Notes Edit

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  • Wiki Map:

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  • None

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Items and Objects Edit

  • None

Portals Edit

  • Surface Portal - In center of level.

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Click image for full size version.