Coalesced Aetheria (Yellow)

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Related topics: Aetheria

Introduced:  Shedding Skin Related Quests:  Aetheria Quest
Coalesced Aetheria
  • Value: 10,000
  • Burden: 50
  • Your level must be at least 150 to wield this item.
  • A glowing ball of Coalesced Aetheria.

    Item Level: 0/x
    Item XP: 0/1000000000

Notes Edit

  • Found in Loot Tiers 6-7.
  • Does not stack.
  • x can be any number up to 4, and the level is also indicated on the top right corner of the icon (the crafting recipe below suggests the aetheria will lose a level, but this is not so)
  1. Use Aetheria Mana Stone on Coalesced Aetheria (Yellow) to create Aetheria (Yellow).
    • + =
A sigil rises to the surface as you bathe the aetheria in mana.