Introduced: | Dark Materials | Related Quests: | Spectral Mastery Crystals | Updated: | Master of Arms |
- Value: 5
- Burden: 5
- Spells: Spectral Crossbow Mastery
- Properties: Attuned, Bonded
- This rare item has a timer restriction of 3 minute. You will not be able to use another rare item with a timer within 3 minutes of using this one.
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 325
- Mana: 10,000
- Using this gem will increase your Crossbow skill by 150 for 9 minutes.
Notes Edit
- Once sold by Hurnmel the Smith in the Graveyard for 5 Ancient Mhoire Coins
- Stack Size: 100
- 3 minute timer on use.
- Retired and replaced by the Spectral Missile Weapon Mastery Crystal during the Master of Arms event.