Introduced: | The Calm | Related Quests: | Siraluun Dresses |
- Value: 3,750
- Burden: 1,000
- Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet
- Armor Level: 125
- Slashing: Above Average (175)
- Piercing: Above Average (175)
- Bludgeoning: Average (125)
- Fire: Average (125)
- Cold: Average (125)
- Acid: Average (125)
- Electric: Excellent (200)
- Nether: Average (125)
- Spells: Leadership Mastery Other IV, Wizard's Lesser Intellect, Fealty Other IV
- Wield requires level 20
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 120
- Spellcraft: ??
- Mana: 800
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 33 seconds.
- A formal gown woven from the plumes of a Strand Siraluun.
Notes Edit
- Crafted from five Small Bundle of Strand Siraluun Feathers in an Embroidered Bag to Aun Arenura the Crafter. See Siraluun Dresses for details.
- You give Aun Arenura the Crafter Embroidered Bag.
- Aun Arenura the Crafter tells you, "You must have hunted long and hard to find these! This will be a dress to be worn with great pride."
- Aun Arenrua weaves the feathers into a shimmering raiment.
- Aun Arenura the Crafter tells you, "A beautiful garment. How I wish my father could see this!"
- Aun Arenura the Crafter gives you Strand Siraluun Dress.
- You've earned 12,719 experience.
ACID | Name | Sample Main | Hex Main | Sample 2nd | Hex 2nd | ||
6578 | StrandDress | 053E52 | 023E5E | ||||
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame. See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes. |