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Queen Elysa in Danger
Level: Any
Rec. Level: 120+
Type: Solo
Starts With: Lord Dargeth
Starts At: Arwic at 33.42N, 56.90E
Repeat: 20 Hours


Walkthrough & Notes

  1. Talk to Lord Dargeth in Arwic at 33.42N, 56.90E (upstairs).
  2. Go to Glenden Wood and speak to Messenger for The Stranger located in the basement of the arcane agent's house at 29.70N, 27.79E. He will give you an Ingot.
  3. Speak with Yuudai in Rithwic 2nd floor of the grocery store (10.2N, 58.5E). The Ingot will disappear from your inventory.
  4. From Cragstone, go to a house across from the Arcane Agent's building at 24.6N, 46.9E. There you will find the NPC Aleesa Stateler together with 3 New Aluvian Champions and 3 New Aluvian War Mage Champions. They will not attack you until you attack them first.
  5. Kill Aleesa Stateler.
    • Warning: Only one person per fellowship needs the bow. As long as you have given the ingot, you will be flagged to receive the reward. Only the strongest needs to fight and defeat Aleesa.
  6. Loot Aleesa's Longbow from her corpse.
  7. Take the Longbow back to Yuudai in Rithwic.
  8. An event will occur and Queen Elysa will appear behind you.
  9. Everyone present should speak to Elysa.
  10. Return to Lord Dargeth in Arwic for your reward.


  • Aleesa's 6 guards are on a fast respawn.
  • If you're doing this as part of a fellowship: Yuudai disappears with each turnin, and takes about four minutes to reappear. Be sure to talk to Elysa, or you might not get a reward.


Speak with Lord Dargeth after speaking with Queen Elysa
Experience: 38,000,000 (70% up to level


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Template:Quest Dialog

Update History

Shifting Gears

  • Quest introduced.

Filling in the Blanks

Dark Deliveries

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 27 days to 20 hours.


  • Max XP reward decreased from 150,000,000 to 38,000,000.