July 2010 - Patch Page
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Release Notes
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July 2010 Release Notes
Greetings and welcome to the July Event Release Notes! The Team has been hard at work addressing some previously know issues and adding new and exciting content to the game for July. So without further delay, let’s see what is new and exciting this month in Asheron’s Call!
- The Monthly Kill Task has been updated
- New armor has been added to the game. You can check it out here.
- The Explorer Society has established an outpost in Kara where they will award adventurer’s for aiding the citizens of Dereth with their problems. Each month a different set of quests will be focused on by those NPCs.
- Several Quests have had their rewards updated. Here is the list with the new rewards.
- The Caulnalain Vestibule – 5 million XP
- The Shendolain Vestibule – 10 million XP
- The Fenmalain Vestibule - 1 million XP
- The Sword of Frozen Fury – Under level 50 100% PxP capped at 5 million, level 50-64 66% PxP capped at 9 million, level 65+ 50% PxP capped at 15 million.
- Simulacra Infiltration – 100% PxP capped at 1.5million/1.5million/4million
- Aerbax Prodigal Shadow – Repeat run XP now matches the original quest run XP
- Mukkir Awakening – level Under level 50 100% PxP capped at 5 million, level 50-64 66% PxP capped at 9 million, level 65-80 50% PxP capped at 15 million, level 80+ 33% PxP Capped at 70 million XP
- Drudge Aviator – 12 million XP
- Olthoi Queen – Olthoi Carapace is now worth 30 million XP. A player can only pick up either the carapace or the head, not both.
- Bonecrunch – Bonecrunch was reduced to 9 million XP. Players are now awarded 15 million extra XP upon completing the quest.
- Zaikhal Defense – Tokens have been added to the end Knight. Turn them in to Jun Sawashima for 100% PxP capped at 13 million 75% PxP capped at 18 million 66% PxP capped at 25 million and 100% PxP capped at 35 million.
- Brother’s Keeper – The Skin is now worth 13 million XP.
- Lily of Glenden Wood now accepts Radiant Mana Infusions for 100 million XP.
- The Rebel Hideout Quest - 100% PxP capped at 15 million XP
- The Soul Hunter Quest - 100% PxP capped at 15 million XP
- Southern Shroud Cabal - 100% PxP capped at 5 million XP
- Northern Shroud Cabal - 100% PxP capped at 12 million XP
- Invoker Quest - 100% PxP capped at 30 million XP
- Ishaq's Cellar - 15 million XP
- Carenzi pouchlings and baby rabbits should now be able to be hit by Gear Knights using a melee weapon.
- Changes were made to the Gear Knight physics which should allow players access to areas blocked by their size in the previous month.
- The Paradox Olthoi Weapon set has been completed.
- Any character that has armor that can't be removed, can now remove it.
- The Green circle/Red slashed circle should no longer get stuck on the paper doll.
- DoT/HoT spell descriptions changed to match the effect.
- Society Pauldrons can no longer be tailored, like the rest of the society armor.
- Masonry Golems have had their xp lowered to 500k.
- The Fog effect should no longer block the overhead camera view.
- Tuskers who drop tusks and Olthoi who drop pincers now send out a message when they die.
- Lost Pet rumor now reflects the actual level of difficulty for the quest.
- Paper doll should scale properly so that the male Gear Knight does not go off the screen.
- Town Network portals now drop players in front of the wing of the heritage they portaled in from.
- The Mosswart who carries the Ice Tachi will now respawn at a much faster rate.
- Several typos fixed.
- Destroyed portals will no longer show on radar.
- The Chimeric Two-Handed weapon now has a slash rend instead of a pierce.
- The Oversized Banderling Ogre has had its respawn timer reduced to 3 minutes
- The few pieces of armor that would not work with the integrator should now work properly.
- Upgraded Noble Robes no longer cover the head.
- Top Hat no longer says it is dyeable.
- There is no longer a timer on getting Armor Reduction Kits. You will now be able to buy the kits directly from the Vendor. Anyone still possessing writs can turn them in for kits without having to wait on a timer.
- Diemos's guards had their XP lowered significantly to match the way the other bosses work, where the guards are worth low XP but the boss is worth high XP.
- The wedding halls have had their town portals restored.
- Marescent Plateau had the level restriction removed from the portal.
- Two Handed Weeping weapons can now be ivoried.
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