Introduced:  Release
Rushiya bint Anruq
Non-Player Killer
Race Female Gharu'ndim
Title Blacksmith
Location 24.0S, 57.9W inside Accursed Halls, at drop
Level 21
Strength 150
Endurance 120
Coordination 100
Quickness 110
Focus 80
Self 75
Health 260
Stamina 370
Mana 195

Notes Edit

Currency Edit


Inventory Edit

Armor Edit

Weapons Edit

Lore & Dialog Edit


Rushiya bint Anruq tells you, "Welcome. What's your pleasure today?"

Buying From

Rushiya bint Anruq tells you, "An excellent purchase."

Selling To

Rushiya bint Anruq tells you, "Be sure to be using your best weapons!"


Rushiya bint Anruq tells you, "Thank you. Be very careful; these halls are dangerous."