Introduced: | Throne of Destiny | Related Quests: | Defense of Zaikhal (Silver) |
- Value: 3,000
- Burden: 500
- Covers Head
- Armor Level: 230 (380)
- Slashing: Average (230) (380)
- Piercing: Average (230) (380)
- Bludgeoning: Above Average (276) (456)
- Fire: Average (184) (304)
- Cold: Average (184) (304)
- Acid: Below Average (161) (266)
- Electric: Below Average (161) (266)
- Nether: Average (230) (380)
- Spells: Impregnability Self V, Impenetrability V, Magic Resistance Self V, Invulnerability Self V
- Wield requires level 65
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 150
- This item cannot be sold.
- Spellcraft: 200
- Mana: 850
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
- A helm taken from one of the Knights of the Viamontian Silver Legion.
Notes Edit
- 5 helms dropped by Captain Argenne in the Silver Legion Keep.
- Apply Royal Blood to this helmet to create a Blooded Silver Invader Lord Helm.