Buff Bot

Revision as of 05:17, 4 August 2010 by (talk) (I used to be that kind of noob, and got verbally pulverized for asking for buffs, then the buff bots came along...)
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Buff Bots were player characters run by Decal scripting programs that allowed them to buff players automatically at that player's command. Allegiance buff bots would buff for free at an allegiance mansion, but would often require non-members passing through, to pay.

Public buff bots found in major cities would require anyone to pay, and if they ran out of ingredients or magic components, they may give a discount to any customer who supplied them the needed items.

Buff bots were invented as a very uplifting answer to annoying and pestering newbies who kept asking high-level mages for buffs all the time, which often would cause the said mage to chew out the newbie with choice words.