November 2010 - Patch Page
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Release Notes
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November Release Notes
Greetings and welcome to the November update for Asheron’s Call! The team has been working exceptionally hard and we are very excited to bring you one of the biggest updates we have done. So without further delay, let’s get right into all of the new content and systems for this month!
Olthoi Play
For years, our PvP players have been asking for ways they could jump right into the action and make an impact. After much debate and many a sleepless night, we are proud to release Olthoi play! At character selection, you can now choose to be an Olthoi Soldier or Spitter. Once you choose which kind of Olthoi you want to be and customize your look, you can jump right into the action of the Olthoi home island. Here your queen will provide you with buffs and send you out to explore the island. You can gather materials you need to help make your Olthoi stronger as you prepare to fight the people of Dereth. Playing as an Olthoi can be a harsh life, as you will always be a Player Killer, but only other PK’s will be able to attack you.
If you do get killed in battle, you must burn off your Vitae before the queen will allow you to leave your island again for the rest of Dereth. If you are not in the PK state (red) you cannot leave the island. As an Olthoi you will also not be able to communicate with the citizens of Dereth, you will only be able to speak with the other Olthoi who are playing at the time. Here are a few other important guidelines to remember about Olthoi Play.
- If your account is not at least 15 days old, you will be restricted to the Olthoi Home island.
- Most / or @ commands do not work.
- You can only interact with special Olthoi Vendors and the Queen.
- Olthoi earn pitted slag from killing players and creatures, this is their currency.
- Each time a player is killed he is less likely to drop pitted slag. This chance goes back up with time.
- Olthoi drop top tier loot when they die, but not if they have vitae.
- No matter where you log out at, when you log back in you will be by the Olthoi Queen.
- Players don’t drop slag if they have vitae.
- Players cannot go to Olthoi Island if they have Vitae.
Empyreans In our continuing efforts to expand the options that players have, we have added yet another playable race to those we have already released previously.
After many years of being trapped in Portal Space, some Empyreans have managed to escape back to Dereth. Players can now select an Empyrean from the list of playable races.
Void Magic Void Magic is an entirely new school of magic based on damage over time spells as opposed to traditional, straight-up damaging magic. More specifically, Void Magic uses Nether damage on all of its attacks. This damage is done by direct cast damage over time, projectile damage over time, standard projectile attacks and debuffs. You find out more about Void Magic here!
Luminance With the release of the Empyreans from portal space, much has happened around Dereth. The newly released Empyrean adventurers are not the only Empyreans to travel the lands of Dereth after their long internment. Trapped with the Empyreans were members of an ancient council -- seers seeking wisdom to read the signs of Light and Shadow and perhaps gain secrets about what was, what is, and what will be. These Seers were visionaries and pariahs, forever separated from the people they represented by their quest for knowledge. You can find out more about Luminance here!
Creature XP Adjustments Due to many development teams and the length of the game, our creatures are far from balanced with one another. Some give a fraction of the XP as another creature which is just as difficult and others that are listed as the same level are vastly different in difficulty. The goal is to even this out across the creatures.
Updated Quests The following quests have been adjusted. Make sure you check them all out!
Mage Academy: 150+ Hamud’s Pyreal Katar: 100+ The Floating City: 150+ Asheron’s Invasion: The portal level restrictions are now 40+ 60+ 90+ 120+. Tumerok Vanguard Outposts: 50+ Eastham Sewer: 50+ Spear of the Given Heart: 115+ Crystal Minds and Shattered Souls: 115+ Iron Golems, The Warlock of the Blood and The Champion of the Blood: These have been upgraded to level 160 creatures and replaced with other creatures in low level areas. Quests involving Iron Golems have been adjusted.
New Hunting Area A new level 200+ Hunting area has been added to the game. You can find this area in the northern mountains of Dereth.
Miscellaneous changes and updates Due to several factors including players asking for it, we have added an 8th spell tab!
The character creation screen now lists the alternate racial skills and all skills are listed in the top of the description instead of the bottom.
All gems which create a portal now have a 30 second cooldown timer associated with them.
Void Magic and You!
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Void Magic and You!
As we get closer to our November Update, we will be releasing more information about the upcoming content. This week our Town Crier is spilling all the information about Void Magic. So without further delay...

How much does it cost?
Void Magic skill costs 16 to train and 12 to specialize.
How does it work?
Void magic uses nether damage on all of its attacks. These attacks come in 4 forms:
Direct cast Damage over Time
Projectile Damage over Time
Standard Projectile attacks
What are the spells and what do they do?
The Top Level spells that Void Mages get are:
- Corrosion – A projectile which does 448 points of damage over 15 seconds
- Corruption – Shoots 5 projectiles which do 357 damage over 30 seconds
- Destructive Curse – Direct cast which does 357 damage over 30 seconds
- Festering Curse – decreases the heal rating of the target by 45 for 30 seconds
- Weakening Curse – decreases the target’s damage rating by 15 for 15 seconds
- Nether Bolt/Arc – A projectile which does 240-310 damage
- Nether Streak – A projectile which does 120-154 damage
- Clouded Soul – A nether ring which does 90-140 damage per projectile
The three types of DoT spells will stack with each other but two of the same DoT spell will not. This means targets can have a Corrosion, Corruption and Destructive Curse applied to them at the same time, but cannot have two Corruption spells applied to them at the same time.
On top of their damages, DoT spells cause the target to take a greater amount of incoming damage from all attacks. The amount the incoming damage is increased is based off of how high of a DoT the target is currently taking.
And Casting these spells?
There will be nether elemental casters in loot which work like standard elemental casters and will increase the nether damage. Slayers will work on the standard projectiles but will not affect the damage of the DoT spells.
After casting a Nether spell, the caster will have a 3-5 second window in which any War spell cast will fizzle due to the conflicting light and dark energies in their body. This also applies when casting from War to Nether.
Creatures under Asheron’s protection take half damage from any nether type spell.
What do I need to cast Void Magic?
As with other schools of magic there is Foci that can be used for Void Magic and an augmentation to get rid of having to use foci to cast spells. There are components that allow a creature to cast Void Magic spells but they are of an extremely rare nature and few have ever seen them.
Bottled Rage – Rage can manifest itself in a physical form if the amount of hate and anger reaches a severe level. Only one being has been known to reach this level of Rage and it led to the corruption of his soul.
Essence of Kemeroi – Since the Kemeroi usually corrupts the mind of any creature who wanders to close causing them to go mad, it is clear why this substance is rarely seen.
Shadow root – Unlike the name would suggest, this substance does not come from a plant. As the dark magic contained within Dereth spreads it looks like purplish-black roots reaching out through the ground. The Light’s magic contains this force deep beneath the surface making it all but impossible to obtain one of these “roots”.
Soul Weed – A dangerous plant that has been mostly eradicated from this world, the soul weed was so named due to the ability to transform the plant into a substance which would literally pull all life out of a living being. It is said this substance is strong enough to even sever a being’s connection to a lifestone causing its soul to be lost forever.
Nightshade – Nightshade is a plant from the Isparian home world and has not been seen on Dereth. Nightshade has the ability to produce a potent poison that will weaken and kill a target over time. It was once common for warriors to coat their blades with the substance to ensure the death of their opponent even if they themselves should perish in battle.
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This week, The Town Crier spotlights one of the new systems coming to Asheron's Call in the next update. So without further delay, let's find out more about Luminance.
With the release of the Empyreans from portal space, much has happened around Dereth. The newly released Empyrean adventurers are not the only Empyreans to travel the lands of Dereth after their long internment. Trapped with the Empyreans were members of an ancient council -- Seers seeking wisdom to read the signs of Light and Shadow and perhaps gain secrets about what was, what is, and what will be. These Seers were visionaries and pariahs, forever separated from the people they represented by their quest for knowledge.
Five Seers were trapped apart from their people by chance. Each of these Seers gathered in ancient times to discuss the secrets of this world and perhaps others. These five Seers each represent one faction of the ancient Empyreans and each studies the mysteries of Light and Shadow in a different way.
These five Oracles have gone forth into the far corners of Dereth as both students and teachers. Although they still seek mysteries in the world, each is willing to take on students. By studying with these Seers, the most learned and powerful students can learn to focus Light into Auras that infuse their form. Each Aura strengthens the student a small amount, but the student can learn many things in total. You must be level 200 to learn to earn and use Luminance.
The Seers are also craftsmen and craftswomen in their own right and can fashion items from the Luminance of the world. They can gift them to students, but doing so dims the Luminance of the students until the students can go forth and earn more from Light or Shadow.
The first Seer to escape portal space is also the easiest to find. Nalicana, the Seer of the Yalain, will take on those willing to learn of the Light as students. Speak with her and she will teach you how to focus your own Light to build an inner strength that the Oracles call Luminance. Once she teaches you to recognize and empower your own Luminance, you may gain Luminance from the most powerful creatures and the most dangerous quests.
Nalicana has many things to teach you. When you learn to use Luminance, you gain the ability to slowly build it through questing and hunting. You can gather up to 1,000,000 Luminance points before you must spend some by training at the Oracles to earn Luminance Augmentations and gain power. This limit is only the maximum number of points you can accumulate at any one time; you are free to gain more Luminance after your spend your points. So remember to spend your Luminance and stay below the threshold, otherwise you may miss out on Luminance gains as you quest and hunt in the dangerous wilds of Dereth!
The remaining four Seers are bitter rivals of one another. They do not relish teaching students who follow the guidance of another Seer. Though all the Seers accept (some begrudgingly) Nalicana’s hand in training, they will teach no student who carries the Aura of a rival Seer. Some say their teachings are opposed in nature. Whatever the reason, you cannot learn from more than one at a time. You may seek guidance and power from any Oracle at any time, but if you accept their teachings you will lose any Auras you gained from the other, rival Seers. Although all of Nalicana’s Auras and teachings will remain with you, students who chose to learn from the four remaining Seers may only learn from one.
The four remaining Oracles have traveled to various areas in Dereth and students will have to explore the land to find them. Each of these Seers represent an ancient Empyrean people.
The Shade of Lady Adja is all that remains of the Seer of the Light Falatacot. Ka’hiri is the Seer of the Dark Falatacot. Liam of Gelid is the Seer of the Dericost. Lord Tyrager is the Seer of the Haebraen.
Your training starts with Nalicana, the Seer of the Yalain. She empowers students with the ability to gather Luminance and has many Auras to impart to students who have earned enough Luminance. Because of the many pieces of knowledge she has to impart, some say it can take years to learn all she has to offer. Others claim that the intrepid adventurers of Dereth are too strong-willed and some will wrest the ancient secrets from her quickly. Who can say how long the path will take?
The first step in your training is to finish Nalicana’s quest to begin earning Luminance.
Once you start earning Luminance you may speak with Nalicana to learn how to focus that Luminance into Auras and to craft items of power from the very Light of the world.
Aura of the Craftsman Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura increases the effective skill for all of your Tinkering skills by 1 for each purchase of this Aura. The Aetheria chance to surge will be slightly increased each time you purchase this Aura. You may purchase the Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 skill points to your effective skill when crafting.
Aura of Aetheric Vision Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura slightly increases the chance for the Aetheria you have equipped to surge. The Aetheria chance to surge will be slightly increased each time you purchase this Aura. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times.
Aura of Glory Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura increases your critical damage rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 critical damage rating to your attacks.
Aura of Mana Flow Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura decreases the mana usage of your magical items, decreasing the cost by a rating of 5 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total decrease of 25 rating to your mana usage for items.
Aura of Mana Infusion Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura increases the mana your Mana Stones give to your items, increasing the rating of those uses by 5 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 25 mana rating to your mana stone uses.
Aura of Protection Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura reduces the damage of any attack by 1 damage reduction rating for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage reduction rating against all attacks.
Aura of Purity Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura increases the effect of any healing upon you by 1 healing rating for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total increase of 5 healing rating.
Aura of Temperance Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura reduces the damage of any critical hit by 1 damage reduction rating for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage reduction rating against critical attacks.
Aura of Valor Cost: 100,000 -> 150,000 -> 200,000 -> 250,000 -> 300,000 This Aura increases your damage rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage rating to all of your attacks.
Skill Credits Cost: 1,000,000 -> 1,000,000 The inner understanding of the Light and Shadow of the world lets you purchase up to 2 additional skill credits. Each skill credit costs the full 1,000,000 Luminance. You may purchase up to 2 additional skill credits in this fashion.
In addition, Nalicana is a superb craftswoman and specializes in weaving the Light around her into small items of power. For those Empyreans who have gained many Auras yet still seek Luminance, this Seer has small consumable items that are crafted from Light to purchase.
The Shade of Lady Adja is all that remains of the Seer of the Light Falatacot. She offers her students two additional Auras.
Aura of Invulnerability Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 You must have 5 levels in your Aura of Protection to purchase this Aura. This Aura increases your damage reduction rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage rating to all of your attacks. This Aura stacks on top of Aura of Protection.
Aura of the Specialist Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 This Aura increases the effective skill level of all your Specialized skills by 2 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of +10 to the effective skill level of any Specialized skill you possess.
Ka’hiri is the Seer of the Dark Falatacot. She offers her students two additional Auras.
Aura of Destruction Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 You must have 5 levels in your Aura of Valor to purchase this Aura. This Aura increases your damage rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage rating to all of your attacks. This Aura stacks on top of Aura of Valor.
Aura of the Specialist Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 This Aura increases the effective skill level of all your Specialized skills by 2 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of +10 to the effective skill level of any Specialized skill you possess.
Liam of Gelid is the Seer of the Dericost. He offers to his students two additional Auras.
Aura of Destruction Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 You must have 5 levels in your Aura of Valor to purchase this Aura. This Aura increases your damage rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage rating to all of your attacks. This Aura stacks on top of Aura of Valor.
Aura of Retribution Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 You must have 5 levels in your Aura of Glory to purchase this Aura. This Aura increases your critical damage rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage rating to all of your attacks. This Aura stacks on top of Aura of Glory.
Lord Tyrager is the Seer of the Haebraen. He offers to his students two additional Auras.
Aura of Hardening Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 You must have 5 levels in your Aura of Temperance to purchase this Aura. This Aura increases your damage reduction rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage rating to all of your attacks. This Aura stacks on top of Aura of Temperance.
Aura of Invulnerability Cost: 350,000 -> 400,000 -> 450,000 -> 500,000 -> 550,000 You must have 5 levels in your Aura of Protection to purchase this Aura.
This Aura increases your damage reduction rating by 1 for each level. You may purchase this Aura up to 5 times for a total of 5 damage rating to all of your attacks. This Aura stacks on top of Aura of Protection.Developer Comments
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