Shadow Kill Task

Revision as of 16:28, 12 November 2015 by (talk)
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Shadow Kill Task
Level: None
Rec. Level: 180+
Type: Solo
Starts With: Royal Guard
Starts At: 30.2S, 94.8E at Tou-Tou Outpost
Route: Tou-Tou portal
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Kill: Tou-Tou Shadows

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Kill 25 Shadows in Tou-Tou.
  2. Return to the Royal Guard for your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

No related dungeons.

Rewards Edit

Experience: 80,000,000 (10% up to level 190)
Luminance: 4,500

Images Edit

Click image for full size.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Royal Guard tells you, "We need to fight back the Shadows that have destroyed Tou-Tou."

Royal Guard tells you, "Kill 25 of the shadows to fight back this corruption. Killing the shadows on the perimeter will do us no good, make sure to strike at the heart of their forces."
Completing Kill Task

Royal Guard tells you, "Well done! If you keep this up, Tou-Tou may be ours once again."

You've earned 80,000,000 experience.

You've earned 4,500 Luminance.

Royal Guard gives you Aged Legendary Key.

Royal Guard gives you Aged Legendary Key.

Royal Guard gives you Aged Legendary Key.

Royal Guard gives you Aged Legendary Key.

Royal Guard gives you Aged Legendary Key.

Update History Edit

The Risen Princess

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom