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Path of the Jojii Adherent
Level: 35
Type: Solo
Starts With: Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent
Starts At: 52.4S, 82.0E in Nanto
Repeat: 20 Hours


This quest gives you the Font of Jojii or individual items. Also, it flags you to use hooked fonts to get + 2 to Focus, Coordination and Strength.

The quest involves collecting three items from three different dungeons:

Walkthrough & Notes

Part 1: Grace of the Unicorn

  1. Speak with Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent in Nanto.
  2. Go outside from Han Rin-Jo's building, and find the Nanto Jojii Shrine at 53.1S, 81.1E. Double click on the Scrawled Note next to it.
  3. While in Nanto you can also talk to Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent at 49.1S, 81.7E, but it isn't necessary to proceed with the quest.
  4. Go to Sawato and find the Sawato Jojii Shrine in town (28.7S, 59.2E). The shrine has an NPC blip (yellow dot on radar), so using the [ and ] keys for normal items does not work, use + and - to find it. Double click to get the Unicorn's Grace text.
  5. Take the Ayn Tayan portal from Sawato hub at 27.2S 59.9E and run to Unicorn's Grace at 38.0S, 60.2E.
  6. Head (S)W till you find a ramp down to the left, and a door. one ramp down, there's a room with the Crystal Formation.
  7. Double click it and you get the Crystals of Grace.

Part 2: Splendor of the Firebird

  1. Go to Lin, find the Lin Jojii Shrine (54.3S 73.1E), double click it to get the note, Firebird's Splendor.
  2. You can now enter Firebird's Splendor at 53.6S, 66.7E near Lin.
  3. When inside the dungeon go south, down a ramp and then left.
  4. You come to a more or less circular area (maze).
  5. Follow right hand rule till that rule drops you at a dead end (and 2 grated rooms). Turn 180 degrees and find a room with 2 grates and a non-grated exit to the S, and go S.
  6. Follow right hand rule again, till you find a wooden door, behind it a room, another wooden door.
  7. Go right (to your left is a portal), and down the stairs till you hit the lava-hallways, in the pit is the Smooth Rocks.
  8. Double click on it, you get the Rock of Splendor.

Part 3: Power of the Dragon

  1. Go to Kara, find Miko Li, Jojii Adherent in the tavern at 83.3S 47.2E.
  2. This flag you to enter Dragon's Power at 82.3S, 41.4E recallable, on the top of mountain again.
  3. Hug the left wall till you find a ramp down to the E. Through a few rooms and up a ramp with an intersection.
  4. Straight, left, head N, till you can go down 2 ramps again. Another room, at intersection go left.
  5. Double click the Smoldering Brazier and you will get the Brazier of Power.

Part 4: Journey's End

  1. Find Honshu Takeda at 77.7s 59.2E.
  2. Take the Xinh settlement portal at 60.8S, 80.3E from Mayoi. You'll exit at 78.4S, 60.2E, and run a bit NW up a hill to Honshu. He will give you Pure Water.
  3. You can use the Pure Water on either 3 of the objects, or on the combination of the three to create a Font of Jojii housing item. The Font of Jojii can be hooked on a yard or floor hook within a house.

Creating the Font of Jojii

Creating Sollerets, Orb or Shield

Dungeons & Maps

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Unicorn's Grace 38.0S, 60.2E -- 6449
Firebird's Splendor 53.6S, 66.7E -- 6449
Dragon's Power 82.3S, 41.4E -- 6449



or one of the following items:


Click image for full size version.


Opening Dialog

Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent tells you, "Sit, Please."
Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent tells you, "In my life, I have seen a great many wonders that have challenged my beliefs, and driven me near the edge of forsaking all that I had known. But in Jojii, I have found the virtuous path."
Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent tells you, "Not so long ago, another came to me. He was as accomplished as you, more so perhaps. What he had accomplished is not as important as what he had learned."
Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent tells you, "His name is Honshu Takeda, and he has begun to learn about himself and the way of Jojii. He had lost his way, and I have set him back upon his path. He will follow the shrines to Jojii. The first lies within this very town, just beyond these doors between the trees."
Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent tells you, "His journey will end in Kara. Much wisdom can be garnered by following the path and incorporating the lessons of the four stones in your actions."
Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent tells you, "Should you wish to follow in his steps, seek the shrine and pray as I am sure he has done."

Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent

Ikomi Ra, Jojii Adherent tells you, "I have met the man you seek, this Honshu Takeda. He is a good man. He will find his way back to the path of right living. I have sent him to seek grace at the shrine in Sawato. Perhaps if you pray, as he likely did, at the shrine you will see grace as well."

Miko Li, Jojii Adherent

Miko Li, Jojii Adherent tells you, "You seek the power of the dragon, as did Honshu. Very well. I shall tell you were he was sent. In the valley, across the stretch of land, and water. Through the hills that bite, atop the crest where the sun sets, there is a portal into the place where the Dragon's flame smolders in a basin of metal. Honshu went there to find the Dragon's power."
Miko Li, Jojii Adherent tells you, "Go there and find the strength that I hope he found."

Honshu Takeda

Honshu Takeda tells you, "You have done well to find the power of the Dragon."
Honshu Takeda tells you, "You have done well to find the power of the Firebird."
Honshu Takeda tells you, "You have traveled the same path as I, and learned the lessons of the great spirits. Now you must know how they fit together."
Honshu Takeda tells you, "The base is the Dragon's power. The grace of the Unicorn must be spread within. The splendor of the Firebird can be placed atop the combination of strength and grace but...only with pure water that represents the four stones and the path of Jojii can you bring the object to life."
Honshu Takeda tells you, "Here, take this."
Honshu Takeda gives you Pure Water.
Honshu Takeda tells you, "The water can be used to waken the combined spirit of the three, or to awaken the strength of just one. I would advise against waking just one. There is little that can be finished that is not complete."

Update History

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 27 days to 20 hours.