Vesayen Hylin

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Character Summary
Vesayen Hylin
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Leader of a band of Isparians who managed to escape the Olthoi. He and his fellow leader Zenzaburou Hensu ushered their people through a portal, intent on staying until the last of us had gone through the portal. [1]

The town of Kryst was founded centered around the principles of Jojii and the Code of Pwyll by Zenzaburou Hensu and Vanten the Archmage.[2][1][3]

If Vesayen made it through the portal is unclear. On one hand, The History of Kryst implies he did not: He had a daughter called Sharon, who was pulled away by Natalie the Scribe from her father and into the swirling rift. That was to be the last time she would ever see her father, and the last time she would ever cry.[1] The Kryst (Town Network Sign) mentions that he did not make it, and that the people of Kryst named the Isles after their fallen leader.[2] However, the The History of Vesayen Isles explicitely names him as one of the founders of Kryst.[3]

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