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Character Summary
Taraj al-Saum

Taraj al-Saum was a Malik of Gharu'n.[1]

Taraj reigned in a time when Gharu'n had known peace for many years, when smiths were forging more plowshares than swords, and no threats loomed on the horizons. During this time, some older men were described as veterans who had been fine swordsmen in their youth and had grown restless for days of action.[1]

Based on this information, it seems likely that Taraj was the Malik of Gharu'n after the Century of Storms, and prior to the second invasion by Viamont. The veterans would that have been from the force that Jawhar al-Shamshir gathered to remove Viamont's puppet ruler Zahir ibn Ma'mun out of power.[2] After driving the Viamontian influence out of Gharu'n, Jawhar went on to become Malik, and was said to have restored the kingdom to the glory it had known in Yasif ibn Salayyar's time.[2] The peace known during Taraj's reign could have started with Jawhar.
