Book 4: Further Manipulations of Time

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Book 4: Further Manipulations of Time
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  • Sir Daeglan in the Lost City of Neftet may be interested in this.

    3 of 7 pages full.
  • This item cannot be sold.
  • A translation of the tome found hidden in the underground passages near the Lost City of Neftet.

By General Thurask, Royal Order of Hieromancers.

For the glory of His Eternal Splendor, may His belssed rule extend on for all eternity. In this journal, I will continue to discuss my Lord's masterful manipulations of time itself, as He has gifted me with further insights into His works.

His Eternal Splendor, in His infinite wisdom and cunning, has laid the groundwork for what has to be a true masterpiece among masterpieces. I thought it cunning when my Lord kidnapped the 'princess' of the Isparians and used her time missing to both distract them and to lay the groundwork needed to properly sacrifice her to the Book, but His plans ram far deeper than that. I thought it even more graceful when He led His Isparian foes to all but deliver the girl to Him in the very site of the ritual and the Book, where he completed the sacrifice of her in a way most hurtful to the young prince, but His plans ran deeper still. What is coming next makes all that came before seem like simple games. In His infinite wisdom and cunning, He has laid the groundwork for...

(Translator's Note: The original text ends abruptly at this point, like the author had been somehow interrupted or disturbed.)

Notes Edit

You give Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator Large Tome.

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator tells you, "My apologies. There is very little in this tome, as the last of it is damaged. I recovered what I could."

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator tells you, "There's a Royal Investigator, Sir Daeglan, I believe his name is, that was researching any information he could find on Emperor Geraine's actions. He may well be interested in this."

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator tells you, "Last I heard, he was in the camp next to the Lost City of Neftet, researching the ritual site that was uncovered there."

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator gives you Book 4: Further Manipulations of Time.