Introduced: | Throne of Destiny |
- Value: 50,000
- Burden: 200
- Covers Feet
- Armor Level: 500 (740)
- Slashing: Above Average (650) (962)
- Piercing: Average (450) (666)
- Bludgeoning: Average (550) (814)
- Fire: Average (450) (666)
- Cold: Average (450) (666)
- Acid: Average (450) (666)
- Electric: Average (500) (740)
- Nether: Average (500) (740)
- Spells: Epic Sprint, Epic Quickness, Incantation of Impenetrability
- Rare #226
- Spellcraft: 325
- Mana: 1000
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
- A piece of the Heroic Protector Set.
Any old campaigner will tell you that while top-quality weapons and armor are very desirable, a foot soldiers best friend is a good pair of boots. This pair of boots belonged to a soldier in the Vanguard Company of the Renari Lancers in the Viamontian army, a unit that had the distinction of serving in every single battle of every single campaign for twenty years. A quartermaster attached to that unit estimated that they had marched far enough in their travels to circle Ispar twice.
Item Level: 0/50
Item XP: 0/2,000,000,000
Notes Edit
- Rare item.
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