Reinforced Shou-jen Jika Tabi

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Introduced:  The Risen Princess Related Quests:  Hoshino Fortress Infiltration
Reinforced Shou-jen Jika Tabi
Reinforced Shou-jen Jika Tabi

Notes Edit

  • A part of the Reinforced Shou-jen Armor set.
  • The white parts (trim on the feet, straps on lower legs) are transparent and take on the color of the undershirt
  • Only the black parts change color when dyed
Original Palette for Reinforced Shou-jen Jika Tabi
ACID Description Name Sample DCS Hex VT
1485 Main OnyxBlack 333333 222222
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
Dyed Reinforced Shou-jen Jika Tabi

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)






Known Palettes for Dyed Reinforced Shou-jen Jika Tabi
ACID Name Sample DCS Main VT
4216 LapyanBlue 0A92DF 0A88C2
4384 ColbanBlue 004D7D 00415E
4046 Verdalimgreen 17390E 13290A
4217 MinalimGreen 24CA83 1CAC65
4386 RenalimPurple 5B086D 400654
4385 ThananimBlack 2A2A2A 211F1E
4044 HennacinRed 430406 320306
4218 ArgenoryWhite 969999 83817B
4045 BerimphurGold 5B4508 443006
4055 CriticalPink B06672 B05C6B
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.