Snow Tusker Leader Tusk Quest

Revision as of 16:13, 30 December 2014 by (talk) (→‎Dialog)
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Snow Tusker Leader Tusk Quest
Level: 200
Type: Solo
Starts With: Brighteyes the Tailor (optional)
Starts At: Oolatanga's Refuge at 2.2N, 95.6E
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Snow Tusker Tusk

Overview Edit

Collect the tusk of a Snow Tusker Leader from the dungeon and return it to Brighteyes the Tailor.

Walk Through Edit

  1. Head to the Tusker Den at 84.3N, 6.4W.
  2. From the drop head east making your way through tunnels with Snow Tuskie and Snow Tusker Leader.
    • Except for the tusker tusk room, the spawn is widespread and small, so the quest is relatively easy to solo.
  3. In the first big room, head North through one room to the second with 3 more tuskers and take the south west exit.
  4. In the next large room, take north west exit and continue through the halls (all 1 way) until you come to a large room.
  5. Cross the large room heading East, and turn north at the Surface Portal.
  6. Ahead is a large room with 10-12 tuskers. Kill Snow Tusker Leader's until you see a green message about knocking a Snow Tusker Leader Tusk off.
  7. Loot the Snow Tusker Leader Tusk and return to Brighteyes the Tailor at 2.2N 95.6E in Oolatanga's Refuge on Aphus Lassel for the rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Tusker Den 84.3N, 6.4W -- --

Rewards Edit

Experience: 95,000,000 (??% up to level ??)
Luminance: 7,500
Titles: Stone Cold Killer

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I'm Brighteyes. I can't remember my real name. That fool of a Tusker walloped me over the head real good when I arrived here."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I was immediately grabbed after walking through one of those purple swirling portals on Ispar. One of the big walking rugs here grabbed me."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I said, 'Get your hands off me you damn dirty...' then Wunk! A big stone caps me on the head."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "They did it to everyone that came here. No people come here anymore though. Stopped about a year ago."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I am the leader and only member of the human resistance here in this world gone mad. If you bring me proof that you're fighting against these...these...tuskers. I will reward you."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "Give me one of their tusks and I'll be sure to reward you well."
Rewards Dialog

You allow Brighteyes, the Tailor to examine your Snow Tusker Leader Tusk.

You hand over 1 of your Snow Tusker Leader Tusks.

You've earned 95,000,000 experience.

You've earned 7,500 Luminance.

You have been awarded the title of Stone Cold Killer

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "Would you look at the size of that?! They must be putting something in the water to grow them that big! The bigger they are, the harder they fall."

Brighteyes chips a fragment off of the tusk and presses it firmly against a blue gem in his hands.

Brighteyes, the Tailor gives you 2 Frozen Valley Portal Gems.

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "Here, take these. They will get you back to that frozen tundra quicker. I'll never understand why people would want to freeze their coconuts off like that, but to each their own!"

Update History Edit

Dreams of Torment

  • Quest introduced.

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 6 days to 20 hours.