Kill: Rynthid Minions

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Kill: Rynthid Minions
Level: 180
Type: Solo
Starts With: Marcus
Starts At: 61.6S, 63.3W
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Kill: Rynthid Minions

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Head to the Rynthid Infested Plains and kill 25 Rynthid Minions.
  2. Return to Marcus for your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

No related dungeons.

Rewards Edit

Experience: 15,000,000 (??% up to level ??)
Luminance: 7,000
Titles: Minion Marauder

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Marcus tells you, "Greetings. The Rynthid have invaded Dereth and we must do what we can to contain the infestation."

Marcus tells you, "I have been tasked with organizing the extermination of the Rynthid Minions by the courageous warriors of this land."

Marcus tells you, "Defeat 25 of the Rynthid Minions or Minions of Rage that plague the region and you will be rewarded."

Marcus tells you, "Keep in mind I will only reward warriors for kills well within the infested area. The lesser beings on the outer edges are of little concern to the Council."

Marcus gives you Contract for Kill: Rynthid Minions.
Completing Kill Task

You've earned 15,000,000 experience.

You've earned 7,000 Luminance.

Marcus gives you Durable Legendary Key.

Marcus gives you Durable Legendary Key.

You have been awarded the title of Minion Marauder!

Marcus tells you, "Return to me tomorrow and I may again have use for your skills."

Update History Edit

Emotions Unbound

  • Kill task introduced.

The Quest for Freedom