Microsoft Zone Archive/Asheron's Lore/The Mysterious Portals Archive/The Dreadful Pact

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The Dreadful Pact

Deep in long-forsaken halls, the stately altars of Bael'Zharon inspire a quick obeisance from onlookers. But beware! The guardian spirit interprets even courtesy as a pledge to serve. Those who come under the dark one's sway lose the protection of Asheron and so are able to harm one another. Who is this Bael'Zharon? How does he profit from the strife he helps create?

Some adventurers actually seek out Bael'Zharon's awful gift, and not only the murderous and deranged. Many individualists say Asheron has no right to suspend the power to exact or receive vengeance and that forced peace mocks virtue. This attitude may be spreading.
