Talk:Costume Items

Revision as of 01:18, 30 October 2013 by (talk) (moved Talk:Masks and Guises to Talk:Costume Items: Renaming to cover other costume items (wings, fancy hats, peg legs, hooks etc))
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Ok, well I think I got most of the masks/guise placeholders & icons uploaded to the wiki (there were a lot more than I expcted). Question is, is this page too long? Should we break it up, or do you think it is ok as one gigantic list? I'm good either way. -- Atarax - October 30th 2008

Honestly, i think that masks should be split up from helmets. Anything over 10al should be considered a helmet. People will wear things like Alfric's Bull into combat, but never Drudge Masks. -- Immortalbob - Feb 2, 09