Apostate Virindi Aggressor (Level 135)

Revision as of 13:06, 17 May 2015 by (talk)
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Apostate Virindi Aggressor
Class Virindi
Level 135
XP 250,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier
Attacks Slash
Weaknesses Slash, Fire
Strength 320
Endurance 270
Coordination 370
Quickness 350
Focus 365
Self 365
Health 505
Stamina 570
Mana 565
Advanced Stats
Melee Attack
Melee Defense
Missile Attack
Missile Defense
Magic Attack
Magic Defense


Notes Edit

Apostate Virindi Aggressor Spawns

Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color

maps available with downloadable Viewer.

Dialog Edit

On death:

A shrieking sound pulses from the core of the falling Virindi as it collapses into its center, and it whispers in your mind, "You may destroy this construct, entity, but there is still strength in our Unity. You and yours have not triumphed, will not triumph."

A shrieking sound pulses from the core of the falling Virindi as it collapses into its center, and it whispers in your mind, "The Master is little interested in your kind. Consider yourself spared of our full might... for now."