Apparition of Emperor Geraine

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Related topics: Geraine IV

Introduced:  Dark Deliveries Related Quests:  Halt Dericost Ritual Quest
Apparition of Emperor Geraine
Non-Player Killer
Race Male Undead
Title His Eternal Splendor
Location Warded Dungeon Passage
Level 999

Notes Edit

  • Route: Use the eastern Menhir at 21.7S, 9.4E

Dialog Edit

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Ah, there you are my child. I have been expecting thee."

With a wave of his hand, the Apparition of Emperor Geraine magically pins Hoshino Kei to the ground.

Apparition of Hoshino Kei says, "Arggh!"

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Oh no, whelp. You will not be interfering today. There is much here for you to learn, and I'd hate to have to kill you before then."

With a wave of his hand, the Apparition of Emperor Geraine magically pins Borelean to the ground.

Apparition of Borelean says, "Arggh!"

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "That's better. Stay there for a while, and lern something for once."

Apparition of Borelean Strathelar says, "You... You're the one ... who warned me about my mother's assassination... Why?"

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "That was a pivotal moment in your timeline, boy."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "That assassination would've driven forth a timeline that was... less than optimal to my plans."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Your actions saved me a great deal of effort in this ritual, I should thank you."

The Apparition of Emperor Geraine smiles.

Apparition of Borelean Strathelar says, "Leave... Her... Alone!"

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "And, I should thank you for bringing your darling wife here. I've been waiting for her to come back to me."

The Apparition of Borelean Strathelar struggles against the magical bonds that hold him.

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Oh, I'm afraid I cannot do that, boy.."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "You see, she has been a key to my success for some time."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Why did you think I had my undead kidnap her all those months ago?"

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "I set in her the preparations needed to sacrifice her to the Book, so as to complete this ritual in its entirety."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "You came here to stop me, but all you accomplished was guaranteeing my success."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "For that, I thank you."

Apparition of Borelean Strathelar says, "NO!!!!"

The Apparition of Borelean Strathelar struggles against the magical bonds that hold him, almost escaping before the magic redoubles and pins him to the ground.

The Apparition of Emperor Geraine points at Borelean in mocking laughter.

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "It will take more than that to break my hold on thee, boy. ow sit quiet and watch. You're about to see history remade..."

With a scream that tears through your heart and soul, Hoshino Kei dies.

The Apparition of Emperor Geraine laughs maniacally.

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Ahh, boy, you have made all of these long plans so worthwhile."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "For that gift, and the soul of your wife, I'll send her corpse to you after you leave this place."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "I'm afraid that's all of her that you will be getting back, however."

The Apparition of Emperor Geraine smiles.

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "The Book is a rather voracious eater when it comes to certain sacrifices."

The Apparition of Emperor Geraine sighs.

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Now, I tire of this."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Die."

The Apparition of Borelean Strathelar lets out a strangled grunt as the life is crushed out of him and he is whisked back to the Lifestone.

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "No one can stop me now. Not you, whelp, not your precious mother and not even your upstart of a tutor, Asheron."

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "With this sacrifice, this retual will be anchored in eternity!"

The Apparition of Emperor Geraine pulls a struggling ball of light from Hoshino Kei's chest.

Apparition of Emperor Geraine says, "Begin the final stage of the Ritual! Our victory is now at hand!"

A hot, dry wind blows through the chamber as the vision fades. Shortly thereafter, a ripple seems to pass through everything, and the world shifts.

The air shimmers and hums with power as time itself shifts, revealing the Time Ritual's defenders.