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- 10/02/03 - Nuhmudira appears in Zaikhal and requests players to retrieve vials of poison to kill the Queen's brood. The poison was the original reward from the Undead Mechanic Quest.
- 10/06/03 - Nuhmudira reappears in Zaikhal, this time seeking items in Preparation for the Ritus that will allow her to connect to the Queen's mind, locate her food stores and ultimately weaken her.
- 10/08/03 - After obtaining all three items required for the Ritus, Nuhmudira returns 2 days later and opens a portal to the breeding hive of the Ancient Olthoi Queen. Here the brood's food stores are poisoned attracting the Queen to the hive where she is beaten back and chased away into the tunnels.
Energy Crystal
Bracelet of Dark Essence
Living Tome
File:Energy Crystal (Retired) Icon.png Energy Crystal (Retired) Nuhmudira's Bracelet
Animal Talker
The Ancient Olthoi Queen
- Pack Ancient Olthoi Queen - The Ancient Olthoi Queen, brood mistress of all Olthoi on Auberean
Nuhmudira appears in Zaikhal
- Nuhmudira tells you, "The Olthoi Queen is calling her children to the landscape once again. We will not lose ground in this battle. We must drive them back underground."
- Nuhmudira clenches her fist.
- Nuhmudira tells you, "I cannot waste the final poison on this task, so I rely on you to find a means for spreading the lesser poisons we have collected. If we can find a substance that will attract her brood to the poison I believe it will kill them -- or at the very least drive them from the surface once and for all."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Spread out and search for this substance. I have many things to attend to, and must concentrate on the greater battle to come."
Retrieving Poison from the Undead Mechanic
- Undead Mechanic tells you, "Although we are much more powerful than your kind, Isparian, we admit some trepidation about this incursion of Olthoi. Should they burrow too deeply near our sanctuaries ..."
- The undead looks down for a moment, avoiding your eyes.
- Undead Mechanic tells you, "So. We offer you our aid in repelling these creatures. We have at our disposal the recipe for a potent poison, a poison which can weaken even the Ancient Queen herself. But the poison damages the machine in which it is concocted, and to distill more of this poison we must constantly replace many parts of the machine."
- Undead Mechanic gives you Missing Mechanisms.
- Undead Mechanic tells you, "This text details the parts we will need. At one time there were stores of these parts cached about the land, but now, with the chaos of the times and your meddling, intrusive ways, Isparian, who knows where the parts may lie?"
- Undead Mechanic tells you, "But find them, and bring them to me, and I will reward you with a dose of the poison."
- You give Undead Mechanic Alloy Pinion.
- Undead Mechanic tells you, "Ah, yes, one of our mechanisms. Very good. I have always maintained that Isparians must be good for something."
- Undead Mechanic gives you Poison.
- Undead Mechanic tells you, "Here is your reward. Use it most cautiously, and do not squander it!"
Giving Nuhmudira the Royal Olthoi Jelly
- You give Nuhmudira Royal Olthoi Jelly.
- Nuhmudira tells you, “Hmmm, this may be what I was looking for… Yes, I remember that we used a foul smelling jelly much like this once before. This could very well make the poison more effective.”
- Nuhmudira tells you, “Please rest a moment while I test this jelly's reaction with the poison.”
- Nuhmudira says, “Hmmm, the poison hasn't degraded, a good sign.”
- Nuhmudira says, "Well, here goes nothing.
- Nuhmudira combines the Olthoi Royal Jelly with the poisons.
- A noxious green cloud sprays from the mixing bottle Nuhmudira holds. It expands quickly and seems to dissipate on the wind.
- Nuhmudira says, "Relax, the poison only seems to affect Olthoi. We should be fine."
- An inhuman wail rises on a foul smelling wind. The Olthoi hordes are once again driven back underground thanks to the tireless efforts of [Player Name] in helping Nuhmudira create an aerial poison.
- In the distance a high keened screech goes up. It sounds like an Olthoi in a great deal of pain.
- A tight lipped smile stretches across Nuhmudira's face.
- Nuhmudira tells you, "You have done well. This should send a message to that loathsome maggot queen."
- Nuhmudira says, "So, the jelly was collected from a pool surrounding the husk of a dead queen? Then that is where they must have taken her..."
- Nuhmudira says, "Many years ago Elysa used a poison given to her by Asheron to kill the Olthoi Queen, or what we believed to be the true Olthoi Queen at the time. She shot the poisoned arrow into the Queen's right eye and killed her instantly. The remaining olthoi were confused and weak after having lost their queen and we cut them down and took back Dereth for ourselves."
- Nuhmudira says, "My research seemed to point to the Black Death Catacombs as the place where Elysa launched the killing shot against the Olthoi Queen, but we were never able to find the body... until now. The olthoi must have dragged her remains to the cave where you found them. Perhaps they believed the Royal Jelly would spawn a new queen. Perhaps the Queen from Marae Lassel was created in this way. The Renegades must have accidentally broken into the chambers holding the olthoi's precious jelly and the olthoi attacked as though they were protecting their queen. Such stupid creatures."
- Nuhmudira says, "I must go now, I have many pressing matters that need my attention. Prepare yourselves, we shall soon make the maggot queen sorry she ever came to this world."
- [Nuhmudira recalls.]
Nuhmudira reappears in Zaikhal
- In the capital of the Gharu'ndim people, Nuhmudira awaits the arrival of brave souls that will assist her in the destruction of the Olthoi Queen.
- She arrives with no fanfare, alone, and humbly requesting the assistance of any who would see the people of Ispar free.
Nuhmudira requests an Energy Crystal
- Nuhmudira tells you, "This menace needs to end. As I stated before, if Elysa is unable to end this, I will handle it myself. This Ancient Olthoi Queen has proven to be too great a menace to confront in a direct assault."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "I've been studying her movements, watching her actions from afar, my perspicacity has allowed me to discover a weakness. But this weakness is not one that can easily be exploited."
- Nuhmudira sighs.
- Nuhmudira tells you, "As much as I dislike admitting when Asheron is correct, he has spoken true of the capacity of our bodies and the fragility of our forms. None, like you, will ever achieve the understanding that he possesses. This is a moment when we shall shine brighter than the Empyrean ever did."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "But this triumph will not come without sacrifice. I will need assistance in collecting several items necessary for this undertaking."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "To that end I have made decisions that will be considered suspect, but they are ultimately a necessity to see our continued prosperity. I beg your forgiveness now, of the affront that these words will undoubtedly be."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "I have offered assistance to the Virindi in the apprehension of the renegade Lugians and Tumeroks who, until recent months, had firmly been under their rule. In exchange, the Gerent of their species has offered an item of ubiquitous power. This item must be retrieved if I am to channel enough energy into the ritus that I must perform."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "The Gerent is located at 87.3 south and 17.5 west. He awaits the arrival of any Isparian and if you are able to reach him, will freely gift this item to you. Aerbax, the once Virindi, has apparently set his lesser minions against the Gerent, and though this being is of some power, he is new to this physical plane and as a result is vulnerable."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Reach him, obtain this item, and return it to me. I will need only one, and you will be recompensed for your sacrifice."
Nuhmudira requests a Bracelet of Dark Essence
- You give Nuhmudira Energy Crystal.
- Nuhmudira's voice echoes on the wind. "You have done very well, [Player Name]. For your sacrifice I gift this to you. It is a small token of my appreciation."
- Nuhmudira gives you Energy Crystal.
- Nuhmudira tells you, "We have come closer to seeing the reign of this creature ended. Now, however, I must ask you to collect something of immense wickedness. When we freed ourselves from the Olthoi, we were given a time of respite; then came the Hopeslayer."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "With his arrival the end of a world not our own became imminent. Yet we rose, despite our initial ignorance, to a victorious ending. One that we were able to celebrate and look back upon now with fond memories. We claimed this world when we spilled the Hopeslayer's blood."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "We need a fragment of that darkness; it is a powerful focus. Without it, I fear I may lose my concentration during the ritus, and fail us all."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Aerbax holds this item now. In stasis, this object is protected by powerful wards. Perhaps within the confines of a dais."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "That is all I was able to decipher through my distant vision. I am sure that it has some bearing on what you will find there. Regardless of what you face, you must succeed and return this object to me. Without it, all is lost."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "He keeps it safe on his island. It is unlikely that he will know that we are making a move against this relic. Once he is aware that we have acquired such an antiquated and powerful artifact he will undoubtedly become enraged; then we shall need to face down the threat that he will pose."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Yet, if we do not crush the olthoi here and now, there may not be a future for us to face Aerbax down. So this must be done. You can find his laboratory somewhere near these locations
- 98 south and 98 west."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Hurry, I need one of these objects as quickly as you can acquire them."
Nuhmudira requests a Living Tome
- You give Nuhmudira Bracelet of Dark Essence.
- Nuhmudira smiles. "Yes, this is the object that I needed, [Player Name]. You have performed extraordinarily. Take this with my thanks."
- Nuhmudira gives you Nuhmudira's Bracelet.
- Nuhmudira tells you, "And now my child, we come to the most deadly of the tasks that I must ask of the Children of Ispar."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "In the farthest reaches of the western shore of Dereth, lying once beneath the waves, only now becoming present, is a temple. Ancient and timeless, a place of unknown fortune and foul intents has lain forgotten for millennia."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "I need you to venture within the halls of this dark temple to collect a book for me. A book that is the compliment and conclusion to the ritus that I must undertake."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Now, I feel as though you must know what my intention is. The Olthoi Queen is an intelligent beast, capable of communicating with all that it views as its children. She is protective, matronly, and she has a weakness; the desire to protect and defend her young."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "The horde that has arrived beneath Dereth has come prepared to assail the island for as long as it may take to conquer, or destroy us. They have brought food stores, from wherever they last made their lairs. They have enough to support their horde for tens of years, perhaps hundreds."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "But we have been given a gift, for good or ill, by the undead that walk this world. A gift, a poison, that weakens and deadens the olthoi."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "With this, we can obliterate their race from Dereth once and for all; with fortune, perhaps from the world. My ritus will enable us to bring this about, my child."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "I will join my very essence with the Olthoi Queen and share the visions within her mind. I will know when these food stores are undefended, and then I will send those with poison to contaminate these food holds."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "We will poison their food and kill them all. The Queen will be vulnerable through this ritus. While she is weakened we must make a unified strike against her."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "I am certain that she will then bring her full forces to bear against us. We will not fail."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Now, you must collect this book for me else I cannot complete this ritus. Without it the magic will be incomplete, and there will be no chance to accomplish our tasks."
- Nuhmudira tells you, "Go quickly. The temple is located at 33 south and 88 west. Return the book to me, our future relies upon your haste."
- You give Nuhmudira Living Tome.
- Nuhmudira's voice carries on the wind. "Excellent...This book is the companion to my first. I will need to translate this correctly before I can lead our assault against the Olthoi Queen. Allow me to present you with this, Tetsujin Sujitsu."
- Nuhmudira gives you Animal Talker.
- "It's a book I hope will one day bring cheer to the hearts of the children of this world."
- Nuhmudira's voice echoes across the land. "Children of Ispar, I must translate the contents of this book and prepare myself for the ritus. You have performed beyond my expectation and I swear that we shall soon rid our world of these creatures. I will call you to me within two days. Then, I shall enact the ritus and we shall strike the final blow against the Olthoi horde!"
Nuhmudira opens a portal into the Breeding Hive
- In Zaikhal, Nuhmudira has opened a portal into the breeding hive of the Ancient Olthoi Queen. She awaits Dereth's defenders.
- As the assembled mass mills about, Nuhmudira raises her voice in an effort to bring about order. "We stand at the abyss, childern. Here on the threshold of the Olthoi Queen's lair, the place where she means to cultivate her new brood. The seat from where she would rule. Here is where the tide is driven back and she is stricken from this land. Here also is the place that we end the presence of their race!
- "For nearly 15 years we have lived with the memory of oppressive rule and the horror of the olthoi pits. We now have a chance to kill those memories and drive the shadow of those times from our minds. Beneath us, through the festering cloulds of acid, are eggs. Otlhoi breeding vats, wherein the grubs that would one day grow to maturity, and rise to threaten our people are nutured."
- "These eggs must be crushed. But in doing so you will ire the Queen, and draw her here. This must be done. I will begin my ritus, and when she has arrived I will harness her mind and join with it."
- "The most potent warriors of Dereth should leap within that pit and stand off against this Queen. Others may attempt this feat but it is unlikely that you will survive. While I do my best to weaken her form, she is still going to prove to be a menace as great as any we have faced."
- "I would ask those who are not yet seasoned enough to roam the Direlands to stay with me. you will be needed to poison the food stores. When they are unguarded, I will open portals to the stores and send you through to place the poison on the stockpile. There are four nests, from that I have been able to find. Each have guardians that we must force the Queen to call upon."
- "Any of you who have poison and are potent warriors should hand your poison to the younger warriors here. You have done well to collect the poison, but your strength of arms, arrow and spell will be needed more below. We will not fail this, children."
- "Be relentless. Be ruthless. Crush her beneath your heels and grind her carapace to dust. Go now!"
- Nuhmudira reels as if struck a powerful blow. She screams, "The Queen did not come. She called her for her guardians to defend this breeding pit. You must hold against them! I will begin finding where it is they were called from and sending through those with poison!"
- Nuhmudira shudders and nearly falls to her knees, a deep wound opens across her stomach. "I have found the first food store! Quickly, those of you with poison go through and ruin this food store."
Poisoning the Brood's Food Stores
1st Food Storage Room
- You give Food Storage Bladder Poison.
- The poison spreads through the nauseating sac. This food source looks to have been completely suffused. A smell of rotting meat begins to fill your nostrils. The remaining sacs within the room appear unmarred.
- You give Food Storage Bladder Poison.
- The poison spreads through the nauseating sac. This food source looks to have been completely suffused. As the poison begins to spread through the other sacs the room begins to reek of a long abandoned slaughterhouse.
- [Player Name] has poisoned the first of the Olthoi food stores. As the poison spreads, the guardian who was called to defend the Queen's breeding chamber clamors to return to the food store.
2nd Food Storage Room
- You give Food Storage Bladder Poison.
- The poison spreads through the nauseating sac. This food source looks to have been completely suffused. As the poison begins to spread through the other sacs the room begins to reek of a long abandoned slaughterhouse.
- [Player Name] has poisoned the second of the Olthoi food stores. As the poison spreads, the guardian who was called to defend the Queen's breeding chamber clamors to return to the food store.
3rd Food Storage Room
- Nuhmudira nearly stumbles, as if struck by a mighty blow. Her voice is strong as it echoes through the hive. "Another food store has been located. Through this portal, those of you with the poison. The guards below cannot be slain, but we can draw them away from the fight against those within the pit."
- Nuhmudira groans and speaks in an almost dual-toned voice, "A portal, to food source. Quickly, through the portal, the defenders need our assistance. Bring the poison through."
- You give Food Storage Bladder Poison.
- The poison spreads through the nauseating sac. This food source looks to have been completely suffused. As the poison begins to spread through the other sacs the room begins to reek of a long abandoned slaughterhouse.
- [Player Name] has poisoned the third of the Olthoi food stores. As the poison spreads, the guardian who was called to defend the Queen's breeding chamber clamors to return to the food store.
The Final 4th Food Storage Room
- Nuhmudira's voice carries on the wind, shrill, alien and wholly not her own. "The last food storage, I have found it. Go through the portal and do what must be done. We have earned her ire and she draws near."
- Nuhmudira winces and nearly crumples to ground, a deep gash is cut across her face. "Children of Ispar! Stand as one!"
- [Player Name] has poisoned the last of the Olthoi food stores. As the poison spreads, the guardian who was called to defend the Queen's breeding chamber clamors to return to the food store.
The Ancient Olthoi Queen is defeated
- Sensing the failure of her guardians, the Ancient Queen stirs and makes her way to the breeding hive.
- Nuhmudira speaks in a frightening voice, "My children, they have poisoned the food my children, I can smell it now, it seeps everywhere through my breeding hive. The little ones assail me from all sides. I demand the same of you. Rise through the surface of their world, strike them down so that they may become the host for our food."
- Nuhmudira howls in pain and crumples to the ground, her voice taking on the shrill aspect it once had, "You cannot keep my children from me. They will feel my mind again and then shall we revisit upon you, the suffering you have inflicted upon me."
- Blood swells from the corner of Nuhmudira's eyes. As the blood tears cascade down her cheeks, a shrill noise shudders across the world. "My children, no!" Nuhmudira's face contorts into a grim visage, the wounds across her body begin to heal. As she begins speaking, her voice takes on the sound of hundreds of voices singing in perfect harmony and unison. "Your reign is done here. Your children have abandoned you, betraying your will because of your hubris. You are defeated."
- As [Player Name] prevails, the Olthoi Queen retreats into the darkness, she pulls the walls of the tunnel down behind her. The sound of crumbling stone can be heard echoing through the chamber.
Nuhmudira leaves the Hive
- The wounds on Nuhmudira's body begin to close. The caverns fill with the sound of voices, singing in perfect unity.
- The singing begins to subside, though the voices can be heard, still echoing through the caves.
- Nuhmudira's voice is shaky and hoarse, the look upon her face is distant as though she cannot see what is around her. "We have won... The Olthoi Queen is driven from this land, and we will not see her, perhaps ever. She knows fear." Nuhmudira groans, "I am sorry...the ordeal..."
- Nuhmudira lifts her head slightly. "Our victory is complete. The olthoi will not return to this hive and the queens that are left behind have already begun to divide their hordes. Despite our efforts to eradicate their species, we must remain vigilant against the Olthoi. Her will was strong enough to warn them of our poisoning their foods."
- Nuhmudira glances about wildly, "You are all heroes. All heroes..."
- Nuhmudira stumbles. "I must... I must..." Nuhmudira raises her voice and begins to sing a long high pitched note that reverberates off the walls of the hive. The note grows in intensity and swallows all other sound in the cavern. The language is unknown and the sound is melancholy, though eerily beautiful.
- Nuhmudira leaves the final hive without flourish. As she disappears a fell voice begins a low, grim laughter that draws across the world. The laughter slowly dissipates and is swallowed by the sound of the wind.