Related topics: Faction Quests

Story Arc: 
Introduced: From the Darkest Depths Previous Event - All Live Events - Next Event


  • Player Killer status was a requirement for the event.
  • Members of the Whispering Blade and Rossu Morta factions had to locate three dungeons (PK to enter) destroy the encased crystalline sliver inside and recoved a shard from it.
  • The shards had to be brought to each faction's leader (dev controlled characters) inside their respective chapterhouse.
  • Whichever faction had the most shards was rewarded with a special buffing crystal in their chapterhouse.

Faction Leaders


Server Winner Dates
Darktide Whispering Blade 7/6/06
Frostfell Rossu Morta 6/21/06
Harvestgain Whispering Blade 6/27/06
Leafcull Whispering Blade 6/22/06
Morningthaw Rossu Morta 6/19/06
Solclaim Whispering Blade 6/30/06
Thistledown Whispering Blade 6/28/06
Verdantine Rossu Morta 6/29/06
Wintersebb Whispering Blade 6/20/06


Event Items

Encased Crystalline Sliver Crystalline Sliver


Crystal of Life Protections


Click image for full size version.


Solclaim chat log

You say, "Count on behalf of the Rossu Morta I present you with this Holy Nanner Pie. May it strike down that joke of a Queen. Just don't eat it. =)
Count Dardante says "Mayhaps I will find it refreshing, Theknight."
You say, "I live to serve"
You bow deeply.

[We started buffing/We ended buffing]

Count Dardante says, "I will relay information to your representative in the chapterhouse as I learn more."
Count Dardante says, "The crystal has come forth. I know not where, but it is out there."
Richard' Cypher' says, "count dardante would it be possible that i could swear to you?"
Count Dardante says, "The crystal has come forth. I know not where, but it is out there."
Count Dardante says, "Richard, I cannot allow myself to take direct vassals."
Count Dardante says, "Your service to the Rossu Morta is service enough."
Jothany says, "damn roommate plugged into my phone line and "by coincidence" i got disconnected from dsl"
Count Dardante says, "It is good that you have returned, Jothany. Your role will be an important one."
Count Dardante says, "The crystal is out there, my minions. Seek it out, and bring it to me. I will give out information as fast as I get it."
Count Dardante says, "I should have more information... soon, Jelly Belly."
Count Dardante says, "Keep your heads up, Rossu Morta. I would be most disappointed if the fight went out of you."

[We lost both crystals to the whispering blade by this point, but where determined to get the last one.]

Count Dardante says, "It is close! The third crystal arises! Bring it HERE! Bring it NOW!"
Count Dardante says, "Toss your weak Asheron to the side and embrace the darkness. Embrace...killing...and you can approach the crystal. I'll try to find it as before, but YOU must take it and bring it here."
Count Dardante says, "Has Jelly Belly left us?"
Count Dardante says, "Country Evil, do it for vengeance if not for anything else."
Count Dardante says, "Well... Do not let me stand in your way then."
Count Dardante says, "I will give you as much information as I can, as soon as it comes to me, Jelly Belly."
Count Dardante says, "Sort yourselves out, Rossu Morta."
Count Dardante says, "I am closing in on the third town."
Count Dardante says, "Seek it out near Shoushi! To Shoushi!"
Count Dardante says, "I leave the discipline to you to handle yourselves."
Count Dardante says, "Trade it to me, Richard."
Count Dardante says, "*shakehead*"
Count Dardante shakes his fist.
Count Dardante taps his foot.
Count Dardante says, "Trade it to me Richard."
Count Dardante says, "Well done. We have salvaged some honor of this night."
Count Dardante says, "I cannot reward you as richly as I am sure the Black Knight will reward his lackeys."
Count Dardante says, "I will give you something to remember this night by."
Count Dardante gives you Orb.
You say, "I hope it's an autograph of the count"
Jelly Belly says, "It is."
You say, "thank you count"
Count Dardante says, "I will take care of your vitae, but you should remove all your armor."
Count Dardante says, "My spell will remove all your enchantments."
Count Dardante says, "All who need vitae removed, follow me to the archery range. And form a line."
Count Dardante says, "Remove anything that bestows enchantments."
Scathe says, "You're a cool guy Count, if not a tad pervy."
Count Dardante says, "Turn to your left and cough."
Count Dardante says, "All who have been dispelled, please step away."
Count Dardante says, "Are there any others who require me to remove their vitae?"
Count Dardante says, "Are there any who have not received an orb from me?"
You say, "Count what is the status of Grael, is he roaming the land as we speak?"
Count Dardante says, "Theknight... I should not speak of the Black Spear. All will be revealed in time. Trust me on this."
Tarin Mage says, "who is the leader of the other faction?"
You bow deeply.
Tarin Mage says, "the black knight?"
Count Dardante says, "The Black Knight? He is the Bloodless Queen's whelp."
Alex the great' says, "count will tjhere be another pk event like this?"
Theknight thinks The Black Knight smells of Elderberries and Hearing
Count Dardante says, "I know not what the future holds, Alex."
Count Dardante says, "If there are no others who require vitae dispelled, I must be on my way. I am disappointed in your execution, but I cannot fault your dedication."
Rage of Mages says, "Count, it is a pleasure to serve you."
Rage of Mages says, "May we show more resolve next time."
Rage of Mages kneels low.
You say, "We will try harder next time master. Have a safe trip home and make sure and kick any chickens you see along the way."
Count Dardante says, "I have faith, Rage of Mages."
Count Dardante says, "Blood and fire, my friends. Blood and fire."
Count Dardante is recalling to the lifestone.
Richard' Cypher'says, "wheres his ls lol"
You say, "on the moon"
You say, "in apt number "
You say, "who knows heh"