Izji Qo's Temple Entrance

Revision as of 01:25, 4 February 2017 by (talk)
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Izji Qo's Temple Entrance
Quests The Temple of Izji Qo
Restrictions Level: 60
Tieable: No
Recallable: No
Summonable: No
Coordinates 12.8S, 58.9W
near Fort Tethana
Nearest LS ??
Route Portal to Izji Qo's Temple
Map Files: ACMaps Map
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Map Dereth Point


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  • First dungeon in the series

Use the Guardian Statue to enter this dungeon.
There are three guardian statues in this dungeon that portal you into a different version of the Izji Qo's Trials dungeon depending on your level. The left statue is 100+, the middle is 80-99 and the right statue is 60-79.

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Unmapped Dungeons

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  • None

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