Getting the monthly splash screen:
The 640x480 image is found in the portal.dat. You can use the ACDATExplorer program to find the file under UI, Graphics, Textures etc -> JPEG. Then you just need to reduce the filesize/quality using an image program like Gimp. Also, I noticed that the color fades (mostly on the font) if you don't use the best subsampling method.
That's how I do it anyways. --Arkalor 10:51, 25 August 2012 (EST)
It doesn't always show up the month it goes live but yeah most of the images I extracted that way (and I go back and replace images later on that have artifacts). There's also a handful of splash screens that I never got around to creating a splash for from preToD patches. --Tlosk talk contr 11:40, 15 September 2012 (EST)