Introduced: | Emotions Unbound | Related Quests: | Masks, Kill: Rynthid Rare Boss |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 200
- Covers Head
- Armor Level: 440
- Slashing: Average (440)
- Piercing: Average (440)
- Bludgeoning: Average (440)
- Fire: Average (352)
- Cold: Average (352)
- Acid: Below Average (264)
- Electric: Above Average (528)
- Nether: Average (440)
- Spells: Legendary Flame Ward, Epic Recklessness Prowess, Legendary Leadership, Incantation of Impenetrability
- Properties: Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable
- Wield requires level 180
- Activation requires Arcane Lore: 240
- Spellcraft: 500
- Mana: 200
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.
- A piece of the Hearty Set.
Notes Edit
- Rare drop by a Rynthid Berserker on Rynthid Infested Plains - 62.5S, 64.9W
Images Edit
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Rynthid Sorcerer of Rage's Mask as Modeled by Baneo of Leafcull.
Rynthid Sorcerer of Rage's Mask as Modeled by Forgotten II of Leafcull.
Rynthid Berserker's Mask as modeled by Ryo Ni of Leafcull