Introduced: | Shattered Masks | Related Quests: | Defeating the Curator of Torment |
- Value: 0
- Burden: 700
- Skill: Two Handed Combat (Two Handed Combat)
- Damage: 24.60 - 41 (39 - 65), Fire
- Speed: Average (40)
- Bonus to Attack Skill: +20% (40%)
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +15.0% (35%)
- Spells: Aura of Incantation of Swift Killer Self, Aura of Incantation of Blood Drinker Self, Aura of Incantation of Defender Self, Aura of Incantation of Heart Seeker Self, Legendary Two Handed Combat Aptitude, Epic Coordination, Epic Strength
- Properties: Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Armor Cleaving, Ivoryable
- Wield requires base Two Handed Combat 420
- Spellcraft: 475.
- Mana: 3000.
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.
- A two handed spear crafted from enchanted obsidian and Rynthid tentacles.
Notes Edit
- Located in the Inner Sanctum, inside of the Catacombs of Torment dungeon.
Update History Edit