Third Missive to the World Shaper

Revision as of 19:44, 2 May 2017 by (talk)
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Introduced:  Waking from the Abyss Related Quests:  Olthoi Chasm Quest
Third Missive to the World Shaper
  • Value: 25
  • Burden: 90
  • Properties: Attuned, Bonded
  • 1 of 1 pages full.
  • A neatly written note.

World Shaper,
All transpires as He has foretold. I am aware of your concerns over the outlanders, specifically the singer. I say this, listen not to the songs that are sung, for she calls without thought. She will not wake the sleepers and her limited understanding and capacity for the Art will restrict her.
If the sleepers do wake, we shall dispose of them as we had in the past. Our attention must rest upon the dark spawn, and their brood mind at the present.

Notes Edit

You give Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator Untranslated Note.

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator tells you, "The World Shaper. I wonder what that title means? Keep bringing these to me as you find them, please."

Kuyiza bint Zayi the Translator gives you Third Missive to the World Shaper.