Society Rank

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Your Society Rank is an indicator of your current standing in your Society. Players can ascend five ranks from Initiate to Master.

To gain rank, you must complete tasks given by Society NPCs that will take you to different locations around Dereth.

Gaining ranks in a Society unlocks more tasks and rewards such as pulls from Society Chests and access to unique Society Armor.

Each Rank requires a number of ribbons be turned in to the Commendations Officer and completion of a special advancement test.

Ranks Edit

Rank 1: Initiate Edit

To become an Initiate in your Society, you must complete either Celestial Hand Initiation, Eldrytch Web Initiation, or Radiant Blood Initiation.

Once you're of Initiate Rank, you can access Society Quests: Initiate Rank.

Rank 2: Adept Edit

To become an Adept in your Society, you must hand in 95 total Commendation Ribbons and complete the Adept Test.

Once you're of Adept Rank, you can access Society Quests: Adept Rank.

Rank 3: Knight Edit

To become an Knight in your Society, you must hand in 295 total Commendation Ribbons and complete the Knight Test.

Once you're of Knight Rank, you can access Society Quests: Knight Rank.

Rank 4: Lord Edit

To become an Lord in your Society, you must hand in 595 total Commendation Ribbons and complete the Lord Test.

Once you're of Lord Rank, you can access Society Quests: Lord Rank.

Rank 5: Master Edit

To become an Master in your Society, you must hand in 995 total Commendation Ribbons and complete the Master Test.

Once you're of Master Rank, you can access Society Quests: Master Rank and, as you're now at maximum rank, you can hand in 50 Commendation Ribbons in exchange for a Trade Token. Additional ribbons (5) can also be used for the Tactical Defense Game.