Introduced: | Forces of Nature | Related Quests: | Infused Amber Collection |
- Value: 200
- Burden: 50
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +20%
- Spells: Incantation of Heal Other, Legendary Hermetic Link, Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Self, Legendary Life Magic Aptitude, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Self
- Properties: Workmanship: Utterly Flawless (8)
This item may be tinkered or imbued like any loot generated item. - Wield requires base Life Magic 385
- Activation requires 300
- Bonus to Mana Conversion: +10.0% (+14%)
- Damage bonus for Electric war spells:
- vs. Monsters: +16.0%
- vs. Players: +8.0%
- Spellcraft: 450
- Mana: 5000
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
- A wand imbued with the energies of the Viridian Rise.
Rare Variant Edit
- Value: 200
- Burden: 50
- Bonus to Melee Defense: +20% (+29%)
- Bonus to Missile Defense: +1%
- Bonus to Magic Defense: +1%
- Spells: Incantation of Heal Other, Legendary Defender, Legendary Hermetic Link, Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Self, Legendary Life Magic Aptitude, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Self
- Properties: Workmanship: Utterly Flawless (8)
This item may be tinkered or imbued like any loot generated item. - Wield requires base Life Magic 385
- Activation requires 300
- Bonus to Mana Conversion: +10.0% (+14%)
- Damage bonus for Electric war spells:
- vs. Monsters: +16.0%
- vs. Players: +8.0%
- Spellcraft: 450
- Mana: 5000
- Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.
- A wand imbued with the energies of the Viridian Rise.