Introduced: | Masked Memories | Related Quests: | Advanced Colosseum Arena, Colosseum Arena, Colosseum Bosses | Updated: | Children of the Prodigal Lord, Dead of Winter |
Notes Edit
- Route: From Yanshi run due west to 11.3S 37.6E.
- You can earn 0-4 colosseum coins per run on the Colosseum, random drop in the Grand Casino Chests, and 2 coins per colosseum ring turned in to the Master Arbitrator.
Currency Edit
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Inventory Edit
Books, Paper Edit
Item Price Scroll of Tusker Fists 20 Scroll of Colosseum Recall 5
Clothing Edit
Item Price Gladiatorial Tunic 25 Gladiatorial Leggings 25
Containers Edit
Item Price Colosseum Backpack 30
Gems Edit
Miscellanous Edit
Magic Items Edit
Item Price Tome of Flame 10
Alchemical Items Edit
Item Price Major Gearcrafting Armature 1
Fletching Items Edit
Item Price Crate of Greater Deadly Blunt Arrowheads 1
<section end=Inventory />
Lore & Dialog Edit
Colosseum Coin Collector tells you, "Welcome gladiator, perhaps you have won some of Colosseum Coins? I have a number of interesting items you can exchange Colosseum Coins for."
Colosseum Coin Collector tells you, "Enjoy your time in the Colosseum!"