Faces of the Mukkir (Expert)

Revision as of 02:38, 20 September 2020 by >An Adventurer (updating experience reward info. See Talk: Faces of the Mukkir)
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Faces of the Mukkir (Expert)
Level: 100
Type: Solo
Starts With: Qath al-Haddash
Starts At: 74.2S, 19.2E in Qalaba'r
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Faces of the Mukkir (Expert)

Overview Edit

Help the rogue scholar Qath al-Haddash investigate Viamontian dig sites. This quest is one of the few contract quests which has upper level restrictions on the portals. As a result, you can only do the quest level corresponding to your current player level.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Go to Master Vaserio's Dig at 54.2S 78.6W.
  2. Run to the end and kill Master Vaserio. Loot Vaserio's Encoded Notes from him.( Drops one per kill, 4 min respawn )
  3. Return the notes to Qath to receive your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Master Vaserio's Dig 54.2S, 78.6W -- 0043

Rewards Edit

Give Vaserio's Encoded Notes to Qath al-Haddash (levels 100 - 104)
Experience: 69,000,000 (??% up to level ??)
Give Vaserio's Encoded Notes to Qath al-Haddash (levels 105+)
Experience: 99,000,000 (85% up to level 115)

Images Edit

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog (Level 100+)

Qath al-Haddash tells you, "Yes, you should be suitable... I have been tracking Viamontian interest in a certain obscure race of creatures, thought long-vanished... I would have you journey to the dig site overseen by Master Vaserio, a Viamontian scholar. Bring me Vaserio's notes on their findings. The notes are likely to be written in some strange cipher, unreadable by the untrained eye. The dig site can be found at 54.2 S, 78.6 W."
Handing in Vaserio's Encoded Notes

Qath al-Haddash tells you, "You've got the notes? What are you waiting for? Hand them over, please."

You give Qath al-Haddash Vaserio's Encoded Notes.

Qath al-Haddash tells you, "Useful information, this. Confirms some of my suspicions, and discredits some theories.
I thank you. You may find this entertaining... it is a spellcasting orb crafted in the shape of what we believe these "Mukkir" to look like, with some useful enchantments on it. You may also be curious to see a translation of the notes..."

You've earned 99,000,000 experience.

Qath al-Haddash gives you Intricate Mukkir Orb.

Qath al-Haddash gives you Master Vaserio's Notes.

Qath al-Haddash tells you, "Ah, you've helped me recently, have you not? In my line of work, it's not wise to keep going back to the well so often, friend."

You must wait 20h to complete this quest again.

Update History Edit

Tricks and Treats

  • Quest introduced.

Reforging the Past

  • XP reward for level 100+ quest increased from 3,460,000 (fixed) to 33,000,000 (33% up to level 110).

Learning From Experience

  • XP reward for level 100+ quest increased from 33,000,000 (33% up to level 110) to the following base on level:
    • Level 100-104: 69,000,000 (??% up to level ??).
    • Level 105+: 99,000,000 (85% up to level 115).

The Quest for Freedom

  • Repeat timer changed from 13 days to 20 hours.