Gear Knight Squire Kill Task

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Gear Knight Squire Kill Task
Level: ??
Rec. Level: 150+
Type: Solo
Starts With: Sir Yanov
Starts At: 12.3S, 74.9W in the Direlands Gear Knight Resistance Camp
Route: Give Merkitz ibn'Akadh in Xarabydun one Trade Note (250,000)
Repeat: 20 Hours
Contracts: Contract for Kill: Gear Knight Squires

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Kill 10 Gear Knight Squires in the Direlands Gear Knight Invasion Area.
  2. Return to Sir Yanov for your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

No related dungeons.

Rewards Edit

Kill 10 Gearknight Squires
Experience: 15,000,000 (Fixed)

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dilaog

Sir Yanov tells you, "Those Squires are becoming a serious problem. They constantly interupt the supply lines to our camp. Destroy 10 of them and I'll reward you."
Completing Kill Task

Sir Yanov tells you, "Congratulations, you survived and succeeded. Here, allow me to reward you for your assistance to our Queen."

Sir Yanov gives you 2 Adventurer's Tokens.

You've earned 15,000,000 experience.

Sir Yanov tells you, "Given the time it takes for these things to regroup, I'll have more work for you by this time tomorrow."

Sir Yanov tells you, "You have the thanks of the Royal Guard. The Gearknight Knights you destroyed here have helped considerably in quelling this invasion force. If you come back later, I'll have more work for you by this time tomorrow."

Update History Edit

Gears of Change

  • Kill task introduced.