Goldenback Tusker Tusk Quest

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Goldenback Tusker Tusk Quest
Level: 15
Type: Solo
Starts With: Optional: Brighteyes, the Tailor
Starts At: Optional: Oolutanga's Refuge at 2.2N, 95.6E
Repeat: 20 Hours

Overview Edit

Obtain the Goldenback Tusker Tusk for Brighteyes, the Tailor as proof you're fighting against the Tuskers.

Walkthrough & Notes Edit

  1. Head to the Tusker Cavern at 1.0N, 96.9E.
  2. The Goldenback Tusker Tusk is dropped by Goldenback Tuskers at the end of the dungeon (see map).
  3. When you have the tusk, bring it back to Brighteyes to receive your rewards.

Dungeons & Maps Edit

Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps
Tusker Cavern 1.0N, 96.9E -- 5C43

Rewards Edit

Hand in Goldenback Tusker Tusk
Experience: 500,000 (100% up to level 26)
Titles: Goldengod

Images Edit

Click image for full size version.

Dialog Edit

Opening Dialog

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I'm Brighteyes. I can't remember my real name. That fool of a Tusker walloped me over the head real good when I arrived here."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I was immediately grabbed after walking through one of those purple swirling portals on Ispar. One of the big walking rugs here grabbed me."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I said, 'Get your hands off me you damn dirty...' then Wunk! A big stone caps me on the head."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "They did it to everyone that came here. No people come here anymore though. Stopped about a year ago."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "I am the leader and only member of the human resistance here in this world gone mad. If you bring me proof that you're fighting against these...these...tuskers. I will reward you."

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "Give me one of their tusks and I'll be sure to reward you well."
Handing in Goldenback Tusker Tusk

You hand over 1 of your Goldenback Tusker Tusks.

You've earned 500,000 experience.

You have been awarded the title of Golden God

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "Striking down a Goldenback is no easy feat as I am sure you know. With enough people like you around we'll have this madhouse cleared of the Tuskers in no time."

Brighteyes, the Tailor gives you Aphus Lassel Portal Gem.

Brighteyes, the Tailor tells you, "The portal gem will get you back here quickly, until you steal the scroll from the clutches of the mighty Bobo."

Update History Edit

The Iron Coast

  • Quest introduced.


  • Brighteyes now awards titles directly rather than giving a title token.

Reforging the Past

  • Goldenback Tusker Tusk reward increased from 30,000 to 500,000 (100% up to level 26)

Filling in the Blanks

  • Tusk-dropping Tuskers now send out a message when they die.