Frankenchicken Edit
Kalazar of SC reports: "+Turbine Geneva came on on general chat and wanted us to bring him some items to create a new fighting pet. He said he had been talking amongst Uglrim. (We should have known.) After giving him all the items, Frankenchicken spawned and killed probably all of us at least once. After it was dead there were 3 Falatacot trinkets, 1 green egg and 2 blue ones, along with a hat. I used my blue egg and got an egg launcher!" (click to enlarge)
The Bunnies of Dereth vs Chef Wubbie Edit
Its me again, Chef Wubbie of TD. I was just the center of attention in a Live Event. I've always been a little scared of the bunnies and rabbits in Dereth, there was more than once early on in my life where they killed me.
Imagine my surprise this morning when I was dual logged in to summon a portal to put away some beers I had been making when I looked down and saw a bunny next to my mule in Marketplace. As I tabbed back to take the portal, the bunny disappeared... he had taken my portal. I went thru the portal and suddenly bunnies of all sorts started to appear around me. This was a little frightening, and then they vanished. Then Twilight Rabbits appeared and charged me. I ran and hid in the villa, Wearing my bathrobe, beret and white bunny slippers, I was not exactly prepared to fight.
I thought I was being stalked by the rabbits. At first people didn't believe me. Then as I was taking the last of the beer to the chests, rabbits spawned and surrounded the villa. I ran to the basement to chest the beer and find some safety... Only to discover a rabbit in the basement. I fled to Candeth Keep and the safety of the tree to get my armor on and buff. Imagine the surprise as bunnies appeared on the platform up the tree.
With some help I fled to Hub aka Abandoned Mines, to try to escape the bunnies.... As we sat and chatted about where to go... imagine Shogunz's surprise as the room filled with rabbits and bunnies. One poor soul had portaled in to travel somewhere and they were trapped in the room with us as the door in hub had reappeared. We battled them! Then just as suddenly as it started, the rabbits vanished and the door vanished. I fled towards Arwic in a panic. We killed every rabbit we came across, just to be safe.... Suddenly, carrots and carrot cake appeared... never a good sign!
Soon more rabbits and multiple pookies appeared. Shogunz, Southern Yankee and myself tried to battle them. Then they vanished... As I begged for more help on General, and tried to get people to believe that yes, indeed, this was happening... Giant Pillars of Fire appeared in a ring around us.... I did what any smart Chef would do as I was hit with fire... I ran! Southern Yankee fought valiantly, but the fires were too much. Then some Divine Virindi appeared... Bunnies in league with the Virindi?! More people came to help and the battle was joined... but the rabbits had other plans... I found myself portaled high above Teth and floating gently to the ground. Suddenly more rabbits attacked. As I let people know where I was screaming HALP in my best 10 yr old girl voice, I battled the bunnies... As the team arrived I found myself portaled by evil bunny magic yet again... this would repeat many times... Kryst, Tufa, Aerbax's Holding, Tufa. (click to enlarge)
As the rest of the team ran to Tufa, I battled more rabbits...Thankfully, there was a small lull in the action and people helped me keep my buffs up so I could continue the battle. As we pondered what evil the bunnies had in store for me next, I noticed a small icon on the ground... It was a Lucky White Rabbits Foot!! As each member of the team picked up a Lucky White Foot, they were transported thru dark bunny magic to Teth. I received a Carrot Dagger with a special inscription and a green rabbits foot when I said I was happy because now I could get the title I had always desired... but then I found myself traveling thru dark bunny magic back to Teth... high above the city floating downwards...
As people wondered if it was over the final battle began... Biaka was able to slay the last pookie and gave his life in the process... sadly his ISP dropped him at the same time and he missed out on a bunny orb :(
I am sure there are more details I am leaving out, but I am much too shaken by this experience to go on... So as a warning PLEASE EVERYONE BE VERY CAREFUL AROUND RABBITS AND BUNNIES!
I would like to thank +Turbine Rome - bunny wrangler extraordinaire! Shogunz and Southern Yankee for believing me and not suspecting I have had to many beers and mushrooms... Tromeros, Revolver, Biaka, Gaetano, Miss Busan, MagicPipe II and everyone else who came to aid a Chef in his time of Bunny error!
Oh yeah... I gave up making tons of money from the white rabbits foot to gain the title I had wanted for so very long... Supreme Bunny Master! Why? Cause it made sense to me!
Chef Wubbie - TD - 185th Level 3 School, Tradeskiller, Staffer... Main Character... refining Gimped to a whole new level!
Weird Happenings in EO!
Alza's Mage of VT reports: "I was down in Eggs Orchard early morning on March 31st. All of a sudden a sunflower spawned. At first I thought someone ran by and dropped it, but then I ID'd it and in the ID it said, "Hi Alza's Mage." I didn't say anything at first, then I ID'd the flower again and it said, "You are so cold Alza's mage." After chatting for a while with it, I asked it how it survived down in ER. It came to it being a carnivore and a summoner all in one. It wanted to eat I asked it to show me its sun first. It said "Okay, you asked for it." A few minutes later a Fire Pillar spawned right behind it. I fought it for a bit, but before I could kill it, it vanished. (click to enlarge)
After a few more minutes of it wanting to eat me, I told Iz (a fellow member) to come to me. He did and everything vanished. We talked to it for a bit seeing if Iz could "play" too. Finally it came back, spawned a rabbit, then ate it. It then gave me a Lucky White Rabbits Foot saying they were the leftovers. Iz wanted an Orb of Bunny Booty after the flower spawned a bunch of White Rabbits (pookie), so the Flower told him to kill me and he'd get it. He said he would after a few of my protests. The flower told him to announce to the world he wants to kill me. He did, and a few seconds later I died.
(click to enlarge)
I ran back down the dungeon to loot my corpse and hopefully get Iz killed. I ID'd my corpse and it said Corpse of Alza's Mage. Killed by Iz. As Iz struck the final blow he said, "TWAS not my friend." Well after seeing that I had to get Iz killed. So I pleaded for vengeance, and it came. Sin e Iz was so "Cold hearted" the flower sent Iz a long way away. He took the Teth drop. He came back and The flower announced it was time to leave, so we said our goodbyes, and with a final "I shall spread my seeds far" the flower was gone and Little Green Seeds spawned all over the ground. All in all a fun morning on AC. (click to enlarge)
Thanks for reading my little adventure. Great site Maggie, I've used it for a long time. :D"
Mad Cows on the Loose Edit
Jobu Uboj The Green of SC sends a report of Mad Cows in Hebian-To! April Fool's Day has begun!
(click to enlarge)
Tanada House of Pancakes Edit
Dakmor Kavu of HG reports: "Heya Maggie!! It's April Fools and Mad Cows are running amuck on HG! In addition, the pancake house is now open!
Today in Shoushi one may now visit the "Tanada House of Pancakes"!! There is no level restriction and to enter, simply talk to the Chow Doun, who can be found next to the portal. He will ask you to seek out one who has stolen his cooking ingredients. You may choose also to get a special knife from him that can aid in the slaying of any cooking related monsters if you wish. (click to enlarge)
Once flagged, simply enter the portal and let the laughs begin!! You'll be fighting past level 7-14 critters, from Pancake golems to the new Pink Nanjou Shou-jen Ninjas armed with throwing pancakes!! In the entrance room there are a number of "empty plates" as well, which if you use them, will offer you the chance to steal some pyreals!! (I got around 14-19 per try lol). When you are ready to begin your search for the stolen goods, simply talk to Gladys the Golem Waitress ("the hostess with the mostess" as her title proclaims). She will ask for a small amount of pyreals, then portal you with "paid in full".
(click to enlarge)
In the dungeon you fill find more cooking related monsters, and eventually you will stumble across Pon Mi. The room he is in is littered with his corpses, and when you kill him they will all come to life, but fear not they are relatively harmless. On his body you will find his confessions. Take them back to Chow Doun to receive your XP reward!! (the confession is on a 24 hour timer so get it while you can!!)" (click to enlarge)
Hulking Bunny Slippers Edit
Flandamier of LC reports: "Hey Maggie! Went to Tou-Tou with a couple of friends killing cows and other stuff when a white rabbit spawned out of no where! After a long battle, we finally killed it. On the corpse was a bunny orb, son of pookie gem, and a Pooky Token. After IDing the token it said to turn it in to Larry the Rabbit Master (2.0N, 41.6E). After turning in the token I got the following message:
You give Larry the Rabbit Master Pooky Token. Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "What's this? A token for killing one of those despicable leaf munchers?" Larry the Rabbit Master tells you, "You Sir, should be rewarded for your agricultural beneficence!" Larry the Rabbit Master says, "You hear that you rabbits! We have a Fuzzy Bunny Slayer here! Better hop on out of here now or else!"
Thanks to Baebarri and Magi of the Rose in the discovery and help with this."
David the Mage Bear of SC reports: "Group of us on SC did the Son of Pookie quest tonight. Along the way in the dungeon we found a Hulking Bunny (did not get a SS). We killed it, all got a token and I got a hulking bunny pelt.
Turned the token into Larry the Bunny Master, he told us this: Larry the Rabbit Master says, "You hear that you rabbits! We have a Fuzzy Bunny Slayer here! Better hop on out of here now or else!"
I then went to Lytelthorpe, found William Witty (per the instructions on the pelt, and got this from him:
William Witty tells you, "My, oh my! Just look at the size of this thing!" William Witty tells you, "You say this rabbit was protecting the others? I've heard just about every rabbit story there is to tell, but this one takes the carrot cake!" William Witty tells you, "I'm no April's Fool, you must have stitched this pelt together from smaller rabbit skins..." William Witty tells you, "Hmm, no seams. I just can't get over how darn big this thing is. Ok, give me a minute and I'll have some ridiculously large slippers for you." William Witty tells you, "There ya go! One Hulking Pair of Bunny Slippers. Since you had so much pelt to work with I did some fancy stitch-work and made another rabbit face for the second slipper. Happy hunting and good speed!"
He also gave me these: Hulking Bunny Slippers, AL 50, Jahannan's Blessing, Major Sprint, Saladur's Blessing, Lore 225, Value 0, 500 BU"
Giudi Attacks Cragstone Edit
Hey Maggie,
The mossy/drudge tried to take over Mayoi (May 23, 2007)! After a few kills, Pillar of Flame spawned then Giudi, big drudge level 667 appear. Envoy Geneva show up after the kill and thanks us to defend the city and gave us a gem for those temporary weapon.
~Zouf of LC
(click to enlarge)
Vampire's Kiss Summoning Gem Edit
Howdy Maggie. Squire de Jojo here from LC. LC had a live event (May 24, 2007) where a giant drudge attacked Mayoi. The drudge had an over sized weeping sword and did a fair amount of damage. When the drudge was defeated, +Turbine Geneva showed up to thank us and asked us to form a line while wielding a weapon of our choice. He then started handing out gems for the three hour weapons. I popped my gem today and here are the UA weapon stats. (click to enlarge)
Geneva's Trade Requests Edit
What exactly is Geneva's Trade Requests? I'm glad you asked. Here's how the event will work.
I will setup in one of the starter towns and I'll send out a "Trade Request" on General Chat. The Trade Request will involve one of the tradeskills in Dereth and I ask you, the players, to fulfill my Trade Request. Trade Requests will involve Cooking, Alchemy and the Tinkering skills. For each Trade Request I make, you will have 15 minutes to fill the request. Once the 15 minutes is up, I will issue another Trade Request. Here's an example:
[Trade] +Geneva says, "Trade Request: Cooking! Please bring me a large pizza with extra Drudge Sausage! You have 15 minutes."
You must then whip up a Large pizza with extra Drudge Sausage and bring it to me.
I will send out alerts every 5 minutes on Tradel chat as we draw closer to the 15 minute limit for each request so you are aware of how much time you have left to make me the pizza.
Each player that brings me a pizza and drops it in a trade window will win a prize. These prizes are pre-determined depending on what tradeskill the request involves. For example each Cooking Trade Request has a set reward. But wait...there's more! Not only will you get the Cooking set reward for bringing me the pizza, but you will also get a second reward, and YOU will determine that prize. How you ask?
I have created a list of 100 rewards. After seeing your item in a trade window that fulfills my Trade Request I will ask you to pick a number between 1 and 100. You will need to send me your number choice through a tell. I will then check the list to see what prize is listed at your number choice and you will get that prize as well!
After a player chooses a number and gets their prizes, the list will shuffle around. The items will not change, but they will now be associated with different numbers. This means that the prize at number 73 for one player may not be the same prize for the next player that chooses 73.
I would prefer that any item traded to me during the event is given to me by the character that made the item (your Cook, your Alchemist etc). I won't enforce this because I realize some trademules may have a rare running and I don't want that to expire in order for you to participate in the event. Brush the dust off those mules and bring them out of the basement into the Derethian sun for an event that has their name written all over it!
Darktide Geneva's Trade Requests will be run differently on Darktide. I don't want players to be standing around only to get slaughtered by a roving band of thugs. So, if you complete a Trade Request on Darktide, send me a tell and I will teleport to your location (the safety of your house for example) to complete the trade and for you to choose your random number.
- Frostfell - Sun Aug 5th - 9pm EST
- Harvestgain - Sun Aug 5th - 10:30pm EST
- Leafcull - Mon Aug 6th - 9pm EST
- Morningthaw - Mon Aug 6th - 10:30pm EST
- Solclaim - Tue Aug 7th - 9pm EST
- Thistledown - Tue Aug 7th - 10:30pm EST
- Verdantine - Wed Aug 8th - 9pm EST
- Wintersebb - Wed Aug 8th - 10:30pm EST
- Darktide - Thu Aug 9th - 9pm EST
After the scheduled events are run, I will be hosting Geneva's Trade Requests at random times in the future. I think this event will be alot of fun and some of the rewards on the 1-100 list are quite nice.
Questions, concerns, feedback?
EDIT: Changed General chat to Trade chat __________________ I am not an Envoy, I am +Turbine Geneva
WE Edit
Thanks to Saloben of WE for pics and logs of event!
Geneva looks like he took a few too many steroids before attending the event. Each person who turned in the requested item received a rare corresponding to that skill and a second prize by selecting a random number 1-100. Some of the prizes were:
Pack Harbringer Hero Token Trinkets MagicD Rare Essence of Cave Penguin Burning Coals Egg Launcher Work 10 Material
(click to enlarge)
Geneva’s Trade Requests will begin in 5 minutes in Shoushi. Please be sure to have the Trade chat channel enabled if you would like to participate.
+Turbine Geneva says, "If you have the Trade Request items, place them in a trade window with me in Shoushi for your rewards." +Turbine Geneva says, "" Aymyurdadi II says, "ISO Geneva's Large Kite Shield, paying...umm...25 mmds!" You say, "lets see what he wants :)" Lonely Girl says, "I <3 +Turbine Geneva =-)" You tell +Turbine Geneva, "thnx again that was pretty cool :)" +Turbine Geneva says, "=)" Bone King's sword says, "Noez! Geneva is mine!!" Bone King's sword says, "Get yer own!!!" +Turbine Geneva tells you, "Thank you Saloben" Lonely Girl says, "O.o" Bone King's sword says, "We had a fun time after I killed everyone at the pkl event :D" Lonely Girl says, "I can still love her darn it =-*(" Tara Malkav says, "lets split him, halfsies?" Purified says, "i win ;)" Purified says, "what do i get :)" +Turbine Geneva says, "Haha a heart handshake" +Turbine Geneva says, "*handshake*" Pax per Potens says, "So BK like big male aluvians , right?" Purified says, "good enough i guess" Bone King's sword says, "Mebee?" Lonely Girl says, "I *giggles*" Bone King's sword says, "Only if his name is Geneva" Tara Malkav points right. Clarice Starling tells you, "Please bring me a large pizza with extra Drudge Sausage" +Turbine Geneva says, "Ok, let's kick this suckah off...." You tell Clarice Starling, "lol" +Turbine Geneva says, "Geneva's Trade Request - Cooking: Please bring me a Milk Chocolate Candy Bar and a Gingerbread Cookie. You have 15 minutes." Bullroarer says, "hehe" Bullroarer says, "ack!" Tara Malkav says, "oh my" Bone King's sword says, "PAL!!!" +Turbine Geneva says, "I have a sweet tooth"
Purified says, "what do you get if you win gen?" +Turbine Geneva says, "You get 2 prizes =)" Tara Malkav says, "anyone keep the pumpkin buffer rewards" +Turbine Geneva says, "You gotta win to see, one is pre-determined, the other is random" Purified says, "like rares or armor and such?" Purified says, "it might make me wrk harde :)" +Turbine Geneva says, "Maybe....=)" +Turbine Geneva says, "I'll say this, there ARE rares on the random reward list"
Purified is incinerated by Bone King's sword's assault! Bone King's sword says, "<--- clean up crew" Bone King's sword scans the horizon. Lonely Girl says, "Sam's a janitor <3" Lonely Girl says, "^.^" Framus says, "you get rares, trinkets, hero token, and i saw one guy got a pac doll" Bone King's sword says, "Janitor makes it sound bad..." Bone King's sword says, "I prefer the term.." Bone King's sword says, "Geneva's Personal Assassin" +Turbine Geneva says, "Oooo I like that!" The thunder of Bone King's sword crushing Tara Malkav is followed by the deafening silence of death! Bone King's sword says, "Give me a title called that? :D" +Turbine Geneva says, "I wish I could"
Incomplete Sanity says, "where r you geneva?" +Turbine Geneva says, "Gingerbread only, I like to bite the heads off them" +Turbine Geneva says, "Shoushi"
Incomplete Sanity says, "contest for a nice reward, pick a number between 1 and 50, one response per player only" Tim the swordsman says, "37" Clarice Starling tells you, "1. Flour + Water = Dough" Strawberry's Mage says, "21" +Turbine Geneva says, "Geneva's Trade Request - Cooking: Please bring me a Milk Chocolate Candy Bar and a Gingerbread Cookie. You have 10 minutes." Clarice Starling tells you, "2. Heavy Grinder + Ginger = Ground Ginger" Bone King's sword says, "17" You tell Clarice Starling, "thats to make the bread, he wants a cookie" Airmail says, "13" Tara Malkav says, "42" Clarice Starling tells you, "3. Ground Ginger + Dough = Ginger Bread Dough" Og' tokens says, "77" Dragomule says, "24" Lonely Girl says, "69 =-P" Clarice Starling tells you, "4. Cookie Cutter + Ginger Bread Dough = Uncooked Ginger Bread Man [or Drudge or Lugian]" +Turbine Geneva says, "Actually its 1-100 not 50, there's LOTS of goodies!" Bone King's sword says, "amg someone pick eleventy seven" Ildar the Wise says, "45" Clarice Starling tells you, "5. Baking Pan + Uncooked Ginger Bread [Cookie Type] = Ginger Bread Man [or Drudge or Lugian]"
Lonely Girl says, "So what do you eat for breakfast Genevas" +Turbine Geneva says, "Today was two bowls of Wheaties and a pot of coffee" Lonely Girl says, "=-) yumm" Lonely Girl says, "I pick the number!....Pie!" +Turbine Geneva says, "Why DONT you need a Chocolate bar?" Dragomule says, "i like pie" Tara Malkav says, "because its melts in your hand, and your mouth" X Dagger says, "because some people arent females pmsing" High Stepper says, "45" Strawberry's Mage says, "Because it'll make you fat" Pax per Potens says, "Geneva could be a PicKLe lol"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Missing something Alchy" +Turbine Geneva says, "You need both to win"
Tara Malkav died! Bone King's sword says, "Geneva's Personal Assassin kills all." +Turbine Geneva says, "Yeehaw!" Lonely Girl thinks Geneva needs a horse =-P Megaera Erinyes says, "+Geneva ate all the gingerbread cookies, though"
Siabhre says, "+Turbine Geneva tells you, "Gingerbread cookie, any type works, as long as it has a head for me to bite off"" +Turbine Geneva says, "6 minutesish" You cut out an Uncooked Ginger Bread Drudge. +Turbine Geneva says, "GIve or take" You bake a perfect Ginger Bread Drudge.
+Turbine Geneva says, "PLease choose 1-100 Alchemy Mule" You say, "70" You say, "ty :)" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you" Clarice Starling says, "Yay!" +Turbine Geneva says, "Gingerbread Drudge, yummy!"
Bone King's sword says, "Geneva, you got a major mule I can look through? :/" +Turbine Geneva>+Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Framus" Framus says, "100" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Framus" Framus says, "thanks" Framus says, "cooking rare and trinkets"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Geneva's Trade Request - Cooking: Please bring me a Milk Chocolate Candy Bar and a Gingerbread Cookie. You have <5 minutes."
Strawberry's Mage says, "Where do i find those things!" Bone King's sword says, "Kill an admin for em" +Turbine Geneva says, "=)" Bone King's sword says, "But the only way to kill Geneva is by getting through his bodyguard"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Clarice" Siabhre says, "What did you get at the turn in?" My Alchemy Mule says, "coral frag and cook rare" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Clarice" Clarice Starling says, "Thank you, Geneva." My Alchemy Mule says, "but geneva gave me a "Geneva beating stick" also :p" Tara Malkav says, "awesome. :)"
I eat paint chips says, "100" +Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Paint Chips" +Turbine Geneva says, "lol" Bone King's sword says, "lol" I eat paint chips says, "they taste good" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Paint Chips" I eat paint chips says, "thanks" +Turbine Geneva says, "That should taste better than paint when you eat it =)"
Framus hold stuff b says, "100" Lonely Girl says, "Where have you been, Geneva? out searching for new and better coffee perhaps =-)" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Framus" +Turbine Geneva says, "=)" Framus hold stuff b says, "thanks"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Alchy" Lonely Girl says, "Geneva is starting to sound like a Slot machine =-I" +Turbine Geneva>+Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Alchy"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Geneva's Trade Request - Alchemy: Please bring me a Gem of Greater Rejuvenation, you have 15 minutes." +Turbine Geneva says, "Suspense building...." Polemistis says, "hey +Geneva could you drop me over teth"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Framus" +Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Tara" Tara Malkav says, "21" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Tara"
The Forsaken says, "no one has trinkets in bulk?" +Turbine Geneva says, "I do =)" The Forsaken says, "lmao geneva" The Forsaken says, "give me some then"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Geneva's Trade Request - Alchemy: Please bring me a Gem of Greater Rejuvenation. You have 10 minutes."
Lonely Girl says, "I wonder how big Geneva's Casting staff is" Clarice Starling says, "Innuendo..?" +Turbine Geneva says, "Hehe I bet you do"
Incomplete Sanity says, "+Turbine Geneva tells you, "If your goal is to disrupt my event, I will be sure that doesn't happen, trust me on this"" You add the potion to the crucible. You add the frankincense to the mixture, successfully predicting the correct timing. You add the aqua vitae to the mix, the formula bubbles and appears ready for application to a crushed powder. Strawberry's Mage says, "What are you doing with the stuff Geneva" The powder congeals into a gem-like substance. The process is a success! ncomplete Sanity says, "pfft" +Turbine Geneva says, "Eating them" +Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Saloben =)" You say, "14" You say, "=)" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Saloben"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Clarice" Lonely Girl says, "so you said you had Coffee this morning Geneva, What flavour, might I ask." +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Clarice" Clarice Starling says, "Thank you!" +Turbine Geneva says, "Coffee flavored =)" +Turbine Geneva says, "Black, steaming hot and coffee flavored"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Alchy" Clarice Starling tells you, "Lucky White Rabbit's Foot." +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Alchy" I eat paint chips says, "100" Clarice Starling says, "The largest guy here in Shoushi wearin the black suit." +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Paint Chips" Clarice Starling says, "Geneva. I just now got the irony of your gift to me." +Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Salozar" +Turbine Geneva says, "Dang you fast!" Salozar says, "lol" Lonely Girl says, "He give you a empty coffee mug too =-(... lol" Clarice Starling says, "lol." >Clarice Starling says, "He gave me a lucky white rabbit's foot, for the number 13." +Turbine Geneva says, "Last call for gems!" +Turbine Geneva says, "But 13 is no longer that item Clarice, it changes with each choice"
The angry farmer says, "100" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you GRR farmer =)" Tara Malkav says, "green garnet!" The angry farmer says, "hahahah" The angry farmer says, "my invetory full" +Turbine Geneva says, "Uh oh were you burdened?" +Turbine Geneva says, "K sec" The angry farmer says, "i go room now" +Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Four" Four Fifty Four says, "98" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Four" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Grrr" +Turbine Geneva says, "=)" The angry farmer says, "thanks tiger"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Geneva's Trade Request - Tinkering: Please bring me a Slash Rended Non-Elemental Mace. You have 30 minutes." +Turbine Geneva says, "Tradebot time lol"
Lonely Girl says, "I failed you Sir geneva =-( sorry" +Turbine Geneva says, "Wow, you are PINK!" +Turbine Geneva says, "Wowzers, you on a roll"
+Turbine Geneva says, "You can only win once per character, so either mule the others to an alt to turn in or find some friends =)"
The angry farmer fails to apply the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.33) to the Ivory Spiked Club. The target is destroyed. The angry farmer fails to apply the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 6.83) to the Gold Flanged Mace. The target is destroyed. The angry farmer fails to apply the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 6.69) to the Teak Board with Nail. The target is destroyed. The angry farmer says, "crappers" +Turbine Geneva says, "Poor innocent maces...." The Tower successfully applies the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.33) to the Teak Club. Lonely Girl says, "Pssh maces, now if it was bows, ide start crying -( poor bows...." The angry farmer says, "100" +Turbine Geneva says, "=)" You say, "club is mace skill. will you take that?" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Grrr"
+Turbine Geneva says, "please choose 1-100 Tower" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Tower" You say, "ty :)" Framus three says, "100" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Framus" The Tower says, "i got 5 essence's of cave penguin :)" The Tower says, "10% hp boost for 30 min"
Flying Dragon says, "i got a non wield bludg morning star lol" [Allegiance] The crazy farmer says, "i am in olthoi hord next looking for aother maces"
+Turbine Geneva says, "YUMMY!" Splash of Pink says, "is that the mace?" +Turbine Geneva says, "You need to imbue one =)" Splash of Pink says, "ok brb" Lonely Girl says, "Ide try to apply myself towards the event, but I dont think I have what it takes haha" Lonely Girl says, "Plus I enjoy watching others" Clarice Starling says, "Geneva, could you wave for a screenshot? :D" Tara Malkav pokes geneva, "Wave!" Splash of Pink says, "that one work?" Clarice Starling says, "I think he fell asleep. :/" Splash of Pink says, "lol" Lonely Girl says, "He needs more Coffee STAT!" +Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose 1-100 Pink" +Turbine Geneva says, "Zzzzzzz" Splash of Pink says, "13" Demondim II says, "is the gingerbread bit finished?" +Turbine Geneva says, "Good # =)" Splash of Pink says, "my lucky one" Saloben says, "Geneva Divining Rod, 3.5-7, Value 130, BU 450" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Pink" Splash of Pink says, "thank you"
Framus three says, "geneva time please" +Turbine Geneva says, "bout 11 minutes" Bone King's sword prays Bone King's sword successfully applies the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.70) to the Pine Club. Bone King's sword says, "owned" +Turbine Geneva says, "Yay BK" +Turbine Geneva says, "1-100 please?" Bone King's sword says, "Hmm" Bone King's sword says, "72" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Bone King" Bone King's sword says, "<3" Bone King's sword says, "Think I can get you to inscribe this egg launcher?" +Turbine Geneva says, "Sure" Bone King's sword says, "amg" Bone King's sword says, "<3" +Turbine Geneva says, "Go get'm =)" Bone King's sword says, "rawr"
Clarice Starling says, "Geneva.. Could you inscribe my noodle cutter of doom?" +Turbine Geneva says, "You have one of those? That just sounds, wrong...." The angry farmer fails to apply the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 6.42) to the Oak Morning Star. The target is destroyed. The angry farmer successfully applies the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.64) to the Pine Board with Nail. The angry farmer successfully applies the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.23) to the Mahogany Tofun. The angry farmer fails to apply the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.27) to the Steel Mace. The target is destroyed. The angry farmer successfully applies the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.33) to the Ivory Mazule. The angry farmer successfully applies the Salvaged Imperial Topaz (100) (workmanship 7.83) to the Steel Morning Star. Splash of Pink says, "man i am the Uber Macer on We lol" +Turbine Geneva says, "Wow, I didnt think anyone kept maces anymore ;)" Splash of Pink says, "i am a mace toon" Clarice Starling says, "It's for the man eating noodles, of course."
Framus hold stuff b says, "100" Framus hold stuff b says, "o and 100" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Framus =)" Framus hold stuff b says, "sweet"
Saloben says, "21" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Saloben" +Turbine Geneva says, "Sweet! NIce choice Mixme =)" Clarice Starling says, "What did you get, Eki?" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank ou Mixme" Mixme says, "WT rare" Mixme says, "hero token" Mixme says, "and steel" Framus xp items says, "100" +Turbine Geneva says, "=)" Bone King's sword says, "I'm not a hero :/ I'm Geneva's Assassin. I do his dirty work" Lonely Girl says, "Like moe his lawn :O" Lonely Girl says, "and uhh.." +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Framus #47 =)" Lonely Girl says, "Clean his gutters" Bone King's sword says, "And every now and then I also do his laundry" Bone King's sword :O
The crazy farmer says, "100" The crazy farmer says, "and something extra for this ugly armor" +Turbine Geneva says, "GRRRR" Clarice Starling says, "Geneva likes grrrowling." >+Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you CRAAAAAZY" The crazy farmer says, "sweet" Bone King's sword says, "What kinda damage to eggs do.." Lonely Girl says, "They do... uhh Eggy dmg!" "+Turbine Geneva tells you, "Sorry, its MINE now!! MINE MINE MINE!!!"" Mixme says, "that does non-defined damage btw" Lonely Girl says, "Sunny Side up Damage?" Mixme says, "of 1 per shot" Bone King's sword says, "20:28:57 You graze Tara Malkav for 3 points with Egg." Bone King's sword says, "lmao" Clarice Starling says, "He's trying to fertilize his eggs!" Bone King's sword beats Tara Malkav to a lifeless pulp! Bone King's sword says, "LOL" Clarice Starling says, "Run away!" Lonely Girl says, "LOL!" +Turbine Geneva says, "lol nice shooting my assasin" Bone King's sword says, "=)" Clarice Starling says, "lol." +Turbine Geneva says, "Be sure to wash your hands when you're done" Lonely Girl says, "Death by Egg, .... GENIUS!" Clarice Starling says, "It's too bad they don't leave residue, like the paintball mode in 007 on the nintendo 64." Tara Malkav says, "i guess the yoke is on me? :o"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Please choose a # between 1 and 100 Powerpants" Powerpants says, "34" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Powerpants"
Heb says, "85!" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thank you Heb" Heb says, "ty!"
+Turbine Geneva says, "Ok, about time to wrap this puppy up and call it a night" Lonely Girl says, "Alrighty Geneva! was fun seeing you again!" The crazy farmer says, "super fun super fun"
+Turbine Geneva says, "TRade window please" +Turbine Geneva says, "Airmail if you have the trade request put it in a trade window" Airmail says, "Cool X" Lonely Girl says, "will you take an axe =-P" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thats a hammer tricksy" Lonely Girl says, "=-(" The crazy farmer says, "lol" +Turbine Geneva says, "=)"
Clarice Starling says, "Group photo!" The crazy farmer says, "thank you again this was fun!!!!!!!!!!!" Tara Malkav says, "one more egging for the road?" Clarice Starling says, "Once more Geneva :)" Clarice Starling says, "Geneva, I implore you to wave! *hypnotic eyes*" +Turbine Geneva says, "Thanks all! Keep an eye out for the rain, its coming!!!!"