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Castling: Act II
July 2002
High Queen Elysa Strathelar calls the people of Dereth to the Frostfell Festival Stone.
"This festival stone, the second dedicated to the people of Dereth, signifies the bonds that you have made and your unity." -- Asheron
"Derethians. We must speak now of the matter at hand. We are faced with a most fightening foe. One who once was like us." -- Elysa
"Candeth Martine was once one of us. He came from Ipsar like all of you and adventured across these lands as a member of the Explorer Society." -- Elysa
"But he was lost to us, taken by the Virindi." -- Elysa
"The world that we know here hangs in a tenuous blanace, an order that must be maintained. That order has until now remained untouched, in balance, complete." -- Elysa
"But now it is threatened." -- Elysa
"Magic in its rawest form is unpredictable. It is only through temperance and understanding that we can give it the forms of defense, enchantment and destruction." -- Asheron
"We must all band together and stave off Martine's hand. Stop him, before the actions that he has begun have irreversible consequences." -- Asheron
"We will not fail, my people. We shall succeed as we have so many times before when facing a foe bent upon our demise. This world is ours now." -- Elysa